
人生就是要有酸甜苦辣才是人生。 這是我的空間,唯我獨有。 我不會說好話讓人開懷,這裡我只做我自己,說我要說的,只說我專用的ky語言,聽不慣不愛聽隨你便,請勿對號入座。因為這是我的世界,我的生活!

Saturday, December 24, 2011






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Friday, December 23, 2011


連續幾天的熬夜,真的很累。昨天熬到6:13分。我真的不能了。真的很累垮了。這幾天真的很謝謝我的朋友們跟我一起拼,尤其是常偉。真的希望我們所有人都能達到自己心目中的那個目標。加油! 不要放棄! 龍大哥,你要加油! 不要放棄。永遠都不會是“太遲”。現在開始總比明天開始來得早。


看來今天我必須讓自己好好休息,好好養神,再來拼過。來一個好好長長足足的睡眠吧。休息是為了走更長的路! :) 晚安

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

everyday I'm revising

这几天,很容易过的!不要埋怨,不要叹气,要加油!  功课重要,家人更重要!

一大清早,一人在mcd,遇见一个超变态的ah beh...我...真的不知所措。
是我看错吗?还是? 我不知道,我只知道,我真的不想再一个人呆在那里。那画面,还蛮清晰的。TT

这个final,我真的没什么信心。眼看是进展的蛮不错的。只希望读了的不要跟我忘记! 一定要记住!!!! 记住记住记住!!! sem3是怎样就靠你自己了!

Thursday, December 15, 2011


"我等你" 一句这么简单的话是需要多少的勇气才能说出口?



记得。你一定能的!我等着那天的到来!! :) 加油。

* 对不起..有些东西错过了就真的再也找不回了。

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Wednesday, December 14, 2011


Again, the planning for ice skate cancel. I think i hv no fate with it:-( since form4 till now, i nvr go for skate successfully before. Really hope tat i could ty it once in my life when i was still "young".

I dislike explaining. I donno why. I just dun like to explain even others misunderstood me. Maybe because i'm weak in expressing my thinkig formally n seriously?dunno. But im sure tat, i dislike explain is bcz i thk tat explanation is an super extra thg in the life.  Like i always said了我的人不必解釋,不了我的人不必解釋. Thats all!

Just the same. I dunwan to explain for today issue. Ya. Indeed its my fault but why will i do so? Im lazy to tell n i dun think it is necessary to explain. Since no changes can be made. I dunwan to lie. Especially to my dearest. Sorry.

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Tuesday, December 13, 2011


Hahahaha..just to test whether his app working or not..if u coul see this which means it work, if cant which means it not..

Btw..ytday i ve baked a american chocolate cake for my intermediate and my dear wei wei(chan wei)..happy birthday both of u..although the cake is not as delicious as i imagined and its not as good looking as i expected..paiseh for this..but really hope u all like it and happy:-D

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Sunday, December 11, 2011





7年的友誼,難道就這樣? 就因為選擇的路不一樣所以就沒了我們7年的感情?



答應了自己的事情一定要做到啊,麥嘉欣。不然,我會看不起你!知道嗎?! 加油!

Saturday, December 10, 2011


Eclipse.          10.12.2011

Since recently no test, no report, every frustrating stuff was temporary gone, so I have more time to spend with my family. The only thing I can say is, Sorry and Thank you. Dad, Mum, Jie and Gor! Many things I couldn't help out but the only thing I could do is just to reduce the burden of you all by studying hard to maintain my scholarship. I'm not suffer at all if i were to compare my burden with them. I have no right to say:" I'm tired. I wanna give up!" Mak KahYan!! You don't have the right to say so! So, Keep it up and don't ever give up easily!

Sem3. Should I move out? ....

Friday, December 9, 2011







Tuesday, December 6, 2011








Saturday, December 3, 2011


三天的无眠,我真的觉得很no life. 真的很闲



不是都说没有笨的人吗?可是为什么我发觉最近的我都很笨? 为什么?
谁能真的真的坦白跟我说? “不要人家说什么都相信”这个term我了啊。可是为什么好像跟我所了的东西不一样呢?为什么好像现在连很小件事都要骗人? 不是都是很大件事,必不得已才讲骗话的吗?为什么现在好像连人家跟你说他吃饱了,都可能是骗你那样? 我快疯了!!!

Thursday, December 1, 2011


考試考試考試,報告報告報告。除了考試還是考試,除了報告還是報告。到底我的學習生涯怎麼了? 這就是大家都認同的joyful college life? Ohhh gosh, totally not okay?! It's super duper freaking highly extremely frustrated and tiring. UTAR簡直就是名副其實的Uni Tak Ada Rehat!

有時真的希望知道的東西會少一些,這樣會更開心。真的。知道太多東西也未必是件好事,畢竟我就是不懂得偽裝。笨咯!白痴咯! 有變咩? 之前會很在意為什麼我每次都比別人慢那麼多拍,為什麼總是不能明白別人暗示的東西,可是現在似乎已經習慣了。


今天,是不是我想多了? 我不知道。這已不是第一次。我真的很討厭這樣的感覺。我應該給他什麼反應好呢? 假假跑前去還是?只是知道,我真的很不明白。真的。算吧,做好自己本分就好:)

Monday, November 21, 2011

我的天空今天有點灰 :)

我真的很討厭這樣! 我真的很不喜歡。現在是怎樣? 有什麼那麼不喜歡? 為什麼要這樣? 這樣的你跟他有什麼分別? 喜歡的時候就一個樣,不喜歡的時候又另一個樣。


Sunday, November 20, 2011

那些年,我們一起度過的日子 。




聖誕節要到了,到shopping mall都是聖誕節的裝飾。
既然已在一起,分開了,現在還做回朋友。真的是速戰速決。今年的聖誕又會是怎樣的呢? 可惜,聖誕的隔天就是我的final ><

這套戲,我想到了2個人最多。第一個是他,我不覺得好奇,因為他本來就在我的成長過程中佔據了一個蠻重要的角色。可是第二個他,我真的覺得很奇怪,怎麼會是他? 是不是最近發生了一些事情所以我會想到他還是?不知道,只是看到了某些畫面,想起了,這件事情,曾經也發生過在我跟他之間。

對,會讀書又怎樣? 那隻不過是一張踏上成功之路的車票,而不是終點。
曾經的我最討厭的就是只會讀書什麼都不會的人。而現在我發覺,我越來越像這樣的人了。我不要! 我不是書蟲!!!

看到後面,沈佳宜結婚的時候,突然想到,其實很多東西都是看我們自己怎麼去想。難道沈佳宜年輕的時後沒有想過他那時會一輩子都愛柯腾 嗎?他一定沒想過會有那個局面,所以,其實我們都不能把一些事情看得太過於執著,回憶中是最美好的。所以,美好的東西都會是回憶,過去的就讓它成為我們人生中最完美的回憶吧。

Saturday, November 19, 2011




我這樣的決定是否很自私? 還是之前是我異想天開?



Thursday, November 17, 2011



到底這條路是對還是錯? 真的越走越暗,很怕。真的很恐怖。
不敢跟家人說,不想他們擔心。還能跟誰說? 救命啊!!!!
怎麼好像不是我所想的那樣? 怎麼好像越走越遠,跟我想像和期待的路程真的差太多太多了。有點超乎我的想像。點算好?我真的不知道!!! 

Wednesday, November 16, 2011





真的很累。看到你這樣偽裝自己我也替你感覺到很累。真的。不要偽裝自己去得到別人的青睞,好嗎?朋友。 你這樣真的很假,怎麼能變到那麼快呢?在我的面前跟他們的面前怎麼能有那麼大的轉變? 我真的覺得你很恐怖。怎麼那麼小的事情,你也會想到為了不要他們誤會而去說謊呢? 這是那麼小的一件事情,你也想到要這樣隱瞞,我真的嚇到了。不要這樣好嗎? 這樣,我跟你做朋友做到很累。真的....

Sunday, November 13, 2011


this period, I was sick and having tests. and I didn't do well for my maths paper although I've spent whole night for it! This time was definitely my problem! because, my friends know how to solve it but I have no idea for that solution AT ALL! Sick is not a excuse for having bad result !

Wednesday will be another test again. and this really make me feel like breathless!! Please, what for forcing the students so? This is really tiring and suffer!

Not sure what happened to me, I just feel very bad recently. Maybe it's because sick + test + some issue, I am really in a very bad mood. Im really stressed. Not the stress by academic but the stress of life.

it seems like, Im not good in everything.*failure*

Monday, November 7, 2011

Sweet 18 :)

3rd November 2011 !

KY's big big day. haha.
Thanks for all the surprises and celebrations. Everyone of you were awesome! Thank you very much!
I still have no time to snap my presents and upload here.
First of all, really thank you and appreciate my parents for the undivided love and cares to me for 18years. Their sacrifices and love were the most greatest and gorgeous present I would never ever have! Thanks, Daddy Mummy! Love you all, :-*

Honestly, I never think of my 18th brithday will have any celebration because the week of my birthday was a busy week for us. We have presentation and tests. And some other friend was having their final exam, my family was busy preparing for bro's wed too. So, I dah agak no celebration.

Really thanks my dear, Issac Liu a lot a lot! HAHA. Thanks for squeezing your precious time of revision just to celebrate my birthday with me. Sometime, you just make me feel what a true friend are. ~.~ Thank you! Love youuu <3 HAHAA.

JKFC ! These few sakai(s).
hahaa, although the surprise was a little bit ruin by me but it's still great! Thanks for everything you all done for me! I really miss the time we spent together from Form1 to 5. The laughter, the tears, the anger, the bakchi-ness,etc. Btw, I hope we could achieve our dreams together. This is the true word from the core of my heart. Maybe the path we choose was different, maybe we have different point of view, but I hope that we could reach the terminal that we wanted. When you all were tired, look back, Im always there for you all. :)

Tutorial G10!
LOL. Ini lagi shock >< I really really didn't think of having a celebration with u guys since all of us was busy preparing for presentation and test. Btw, really thanks to everyone who have wished and celebrated with me. Especially, TingFang, Loong, KokWeng! I don't know whether is it true, but this is just what I heard from them. Few of you walk in the rain just to buy me present? LOL. Thanks la weih, for the flower and handphone and all the presents! Thanks a lot a lot a lot!

This year wishes was really different from other years. and I will make sure that next year I will not get the same wishes too! HAHA. Most of the wishes from my friends was, wishing me could back to my original size >< Im not feeling sad or down for it, it's good to have such a wishes from you all because I never receive any wishes like this before. And this is a memory in my journey and also a motivation for me to diet and exercise! Hehe.

Ya, Ky was officially 18 now. There are no excuses or reason for you to do any unwanted mistake. Please be responsible to your life and future. You're big enough to differentiate what is wrong and what is right. Don't act like a immature kid anymore, KY! Gambatteeee <3




Saturday, October 29, 2011




有没有人想过,从他开始有这个念头开始到他真的开始行动的期间,是多么的煎熬? 是几挣扎? 是几多几多的压力,困扰,挫折才会令到一个人鼓起勇气结束自己的生命?

对,没有解决不了的问题。只要往另个角度想,事情就会简单化。说是简单,又有几个人能做到呢? 还是那句,珍惜身边的每一个人。真的,不要等到失去后才来后悔。遗憾是不能被弥补的! 对,我的确没有珍惜身边的每一个人,可是我会努力做到:)

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

this is life.

Years ago, this song was the theme of my blog too. Suddenly came across with this song just now, when I was wondering, configuring, searching, thinking ... What actually do I want in my life? Ya, I do have my dream to chase of. I want to reach my B-terminal, there have everything that I want. That's why I'm doing such hardcore things! Honestly, these few days, Im really tired. I really freaking exhausted, and tired of this life! Why life not just that simple?! WHY?

Always reminding myself that I have no one to depends on, that's why I have to achieve my dream all by myself. What I want in the future, I gonna make it true by myself. No one is helping me. And I know, if I stop doing what I'm doing currently, my dreams will never ever achieved and it will only be a DREAM forever. I know what should I do, What I have to do, but ... I'm just too tired to move on. Ya, I might not have the right to said so, because I'm just an ordinary student who only need to worry about cgpa and pocket money. But, honestly, I'm tired. Maybe I'm just that lousy and weak. I don't know who to tell, who to charge me up. I've used up my batt. and songs no longer effective for my tiredness.

What I can see in my academy path is getting darker and darker. My main path to the B-terminal. That's why I've seek for my sub path. well, nothing come easily. Whatever come easily, will just go easily. That's why we have a saying - easy come, easy go. Since I have a abnormal dream, so I have to work abnormally! So, MKY!! It's time to back to your life and stop procrastinating! Just add a little more, you'll be there. :)

Saturday, September 24, 2011


Sometimes I'm kinda tired of this life. Its quite stressful and tiring of chasing something I wanted so desperately but it seems so far to me.



不是说过要证明给我看的吗? 为什么现在又退缩了? 为什么每个都是这样? 口口声声说有几好,会怎样怎样,可是时间久了却这样? 为什么每次都是要在我开始相信的时候跟我说原来不是? 每次都是当我从新再相信原来是有例外的时候,你们就跟我说原来全部都是一样? 之前的保证,之前的一切一切,难道都真的是假的吗? 麦嘉欣就是那么容易相信别人。死蠢。

也许你只把爱当游戏, 我却没那么聪明 :)

Saturday, September 17, 2011


很想马上倒在床上大睡到明天,我不想醒着。我知道我在逃避,可是,我除了暂时逃避,我还能怎样? 我真的有点累了,越来越觉得,其实自己并没有很好。之前都高估自己了。原来,一切都是假的美好。原来自己是那么不会handle问题。原来自己是那么的依赖他们。原来,原来,原来。原来我并不是自己想象中的坚强。我很想证明很多很多,更多更多,我以为我能。我相信我能。可是,我开始质疑了。我开始否定我自己。对,我很会鼓励别人,很会分析道理,当朋友down时,我都能开解他们,给他们solution。可是,当自己down时我却帮不到自己。




Thursday, September 15, 2011

Nearer :)




看到了,我的grades的时候,我怕了。心想一定是没有了,因为需要全部A才能保持,而我却没有。我失望了。当时,我真的一位就这样,我emo了。我在想再怎么跟家人交代,怎么跟自己交代。当我scroll 下一点点时,我才发觉,越来下面有下cpga == 原来我办到了! 我真的很开心,很开心很开心。可是,那开心只有短短的几分钟。当朋友不停的问时,我厌倦了,因为他们又在比较。也知道有些朋友考得并不是很好,心情也有点沉重了。我了解,我明白那感受,因为我刚还没看到cpga时也真的以为自己maintain 不到。无论如何,成绩是好是坏已成定局。现在该做的事是Sem2要更加努力,成绩不好不要逃避,找更好的读书方式,考好的更不要骄傲! Daddy, Mummy, Jie n Gor !! Thanks for the support and love. I can't do it without anyone of you. I will do my best to keep my promise, I will not disappoint you all. Love u guys! 

Wednesday, September 14, 2011




自己都不懂得爱自己,凭什么要别人爱你? 凭什么爱别人? 凭什么在这里跟我说尊严?! 你有吗?!

不要有问题发生的时候,就把矛头指向别人! 想下为什么会这样,是不是自己也有什么问题。小姐! 为什么别人会这样对你? 不见别人这样对其他人? 就是因为你自己不懂的保护自己,爱护自己,尊重自己,所以别人才不尊重你!

有样又怎样? 不懂得爱护自己,一样是贱货一件! 对不起,我不喜欢用那么难听的字眼,可是,我真的找不到任何一个词比贱货更适合你的了! 不要令我那么讨厌你好吗? 我很累。小妹,真希望你有改过自新的一天。可是,同时也害怕当你改过自新后,想回自己之前的无知,承受不了而自杀! 可恶! 明明自己就是恶魔,还要装天使。怎么这世界上会有那么讨厌的人啊? 哇靠! 我真的很讨厌你们! 你们! 同时,我也很感谢你们! 因为你们,我才有今天的我! 因为你们的所作所为,我才要撑下去! 证明给你们这些狗眼看人低的家伙看! 你们就尽管欺负他们吧,我会让你们后悔! 我说到就做到!我要做的事情,我一定做到!就像我能争取到我今天拥有的一切。 我就是喜欢看你们那无奈,不甘的样子!那一天,那一刻,那一秒,我永远不会忘记! 你们那惊讶,无言,无奈,不甘的样子,就是我最大的收获! 我说过,不要看小我,不要惹我,更加不要欺负我的家人! 继续过分吧,如果这样你会开心,就继续吧,我并不会阻止你,因为这才是我继续奋斗的动力! 不好意思,我不懂得用像你们用的那种低贱的手法去伤害别人,损人不利己。我比较喜欢双赢,不但能帮到自己,也能赢去你们的不甘同时那妒忌的眼神!尽管是那么一秒钟的嫉妒,我也要! 因为,我真的很讨厌很讨厌你们! 这是一个不变的事实!

原谅他人就是善待自己。妈妈常这样跟我说。我非常认同这句话,所以我很少讨厌别人。可是,至于你们,为什么我不能原谅你们? 因为你们在我眼里根本不是人! 就那么简单。

Monday, September 12, 2011

I can !

Hi, Sem-breaking . haha

Refresh back days I was studying for my final. It was really crazy. I wonder how could I do it? Locked in the room, sit there and study for 12 hours. OMG! But, its not surprise that I have gained 4kgs during this final exam. Honestly! I have gained 4kgs ! Ishhhh. Im super duper upset, and was trying my best to exercise and burn all the 4kgs FATS ! Since I couldn't control my food intake so I have to increase my FATS output, HAHA.

During the period where I am fighting for my final, the only thing that motivate me, and give me the energy and strength to study for 12 hours was SCHOLARSHIP. For me, score = money. Every single marks means a lot to me since I have started my uni life, because even Im lack of 0.01, it will cause me to pay RM3000+. And sorry to say that, I will not pay for it! Get off ! I COULD MAINTAIN my SCHOLARSHIP!

Although, facing the notes was tiring and toturing of course. but the mindset of us must be a very right one. Result will be release very soon, and I know many people will get result that they're expected and of course some will get unexpected result both good and bad one. But please, accept it with a open heart. Every single hard work will pay us back with our result. Our result is equivalent to our commitment. Even though, you cant get a result that you aim for, don't feel upset, don't darken your day. Promise yourself before u check the result, no matter the result was good or bad, allow yourself to spend only 2hours maximum to be proud/ sad of it. After that, back to ur real life! Good result means that, you need to continue the same effort in sem2 in order to maintain ur result. Bad result means that, the study method of u wasn't right, and think of another way or work harder ! :)

yes, we will all encounter moments in our lives that we just want to give up. Everything is just against us and we don't know how much more that we could take. I must confess that the road of perfectness and greatness is a difficult one! The hardship encountered along the way are what will test our resolve and make us great! So, whenever you're down and disappoint, don't give up! Tell yourself, I will survive, I will overcome, I will succeed! I can!

Wednesday, August 31, 2011


我要瘦 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

*Law of Attraction*

我很瘦。我很瘦。我很瘦。我很瘦!!!! LOLLL.

Thursday, August 25, 2011




仔细想想,这些话是不是都占了我们日常的话语的一大部分? 其实,比较并不是不好。还是那句,就看你的观点是怎样。如果,今天比较会带来的是动力,激励..那尽管去比较吧。而我,从来都不喜欢比较成绩。真的。因为,在我们学生的生涯,为的不就是成绩吗?成绩就代表了一切,不是吗? 所以,成绩是敏感的issue, I seldom touch it. LOL. 一山还比一山高,我们要怎样去跟别人比较? 不要把自己逼得那么辛苦好吗? 明明生活就很简单。

今天,我们的coursework result都贴出来了。大家都在讨论着。自然而然的,听到朋友们在比较。as usual, 偷偷溜掉。因为,我很怕。真的怕他们问我的成绩。我不知道要怎样给他们反应。怕他们会误会。所以,逃跑!是最好不过的方式!哈哈哈。时间快到了,我走过去拿书包,听到朋友们说“好啦好啦,不要比较了”。


要考试的朋友~ 我们能的! 每个人都有自己的目标。有的2.0,有的3.0,有的3.5,有的4.0。别人做到,我们也能。加油! 不要被coursework的分数打败自信。:)

把压力放进冰箱,把它转化成“冻”力吧! 加油加油!


离家出走 - 叮当


温室的花朵 看不到天空
世界有风雨 才会有彩虹
爱能保护我 却也绑著我
把我还给我 把心变自由
让自己飞过 也追过 也痛过才算活过
你爱我 就让我和我的命运去交手


Final is around the corner.

4.0 or not? I'll fight for it!

Dad, Mum, Jie, Gor, I will do my best! No worry!
Dad, sorry for against-ing u recently. Please allow me to go where I wanted to go. I don't allow my life to have regrets. I know its the life I want, I see what I want.


Today My life begin :)

Recently I have fall for a song which charge up me when I was helpless, disappointed or down.
Today my life begin - Bruno Marz. Friend around me should knw that, Im strongly recommending this song recently. HAHA.

The lyrics was awesome.
I've been working hard so long
Seems like pain has been my only friend
My fragile heart's been done so wrong
I wondered if I'd ever heal again

Ohh just like all the seasons never stay the same
All around me I can feel a change (ohh)

I will break these chains that bind me, happiness will find me
Leave the past behind me, today my life begins
A whole new world is waiting it's mine for the takin'
I know I can make it, today my life begins

Yesterday has come and gone
And I've learnt how to leave it where it is
And I see that I was wrong
For ever doubting I could win

Ohh just like all the seasons never stay the same
All around me I can feel a change (ohh)

I will break these chains that bind me, happiness will find me
Leave the past behind me, today my life begins
A whole new world is waiting it's mine for the takin
I know I can make it, today my life begins

Life's too short to have regrets
So I'm learning now to leave it in the past and try to forget
Only have one life to live
So you better make the best of it

I will break these chains that bind me, happiness will find me
Leave the past behind me, today my life begins
A whole new world is waiting it's mine for the takin
I know I can make it, today my life begins

I will break these chains that bind me, happiness will find me
Leave the past behind me, today my life begins
A whole new world is waiting it's mine for the takin
I know I can make it, today my life begins
Today my life begins...

Saturday, August 20, 2011

Genting trip

17/8/2011 - 18/8/2011


more pictures, just to simply click into my facebook profile will do.

Ya, awesome days spending with them. Without a doubt, gap and relation between all of us become closer after this trip. Although there're some disagreement and so call bek-cek thingy happened, but we used to overcome it. And this have made us know each other deeper.

Here to share something, what I've learned from this trip.
A game we played at night. It's not a horror game but it's super scary. This kind of thing is the most scary stuff in the world. The real side of human. Its always 10000000times scarier than ghost, insects, etc. Okay, the game is about 心机..everyone will have to choose a card, whereby the card indicate that whether you're a wolf (killer), witch(heal / kill), little girl(spy) or villager(normal). at the end of the game, villagers must kill all the wolf while witch and the little girl will help the villager. so, some which is wolf will pretend that they're villager and try to convince them to kill their own villager. The scariest part of the game is that, when u see how someone pretend infront of other but at the back actually she/he is a killer. especially, when he/she is the one who trust a lot. I don't know whether am I trust someone easily or what. It just made me feel really very very scare, when the real identity of your friend reveal. In real life, i dont think he/ she was such a person. but from this game, i knew. really. That's why, half way, I quit this game. Because, I cant stand it anymore. 人的真面目比任何东西都来得可怕。


Wednesday, August 3, 2011


Hey, blogger! Here I am :)

Ya, can u still recognise me? with my extreme dark eye circle. Ya, Ky here ! hehe.

This week was a busy week too. 2  tests, presentation, 2 full reports. and know what? I have done both of the full reports by today! HOHOHOHO! Ya, i admit, i didnt put as much care + effort on it as I did previously. So, maybe will get lower mark la. ><

Ya, here's my result for my tests.hehe. Actually, Im really satisfy with my result. So, everything is worth!

Test 1
Mechanics : 36/50
Chem : 42.5/45
Maths : 14/35
CT : 26/30
Bio : 9/10

Test 2
Bio : 8/10
Maths : 25/30

Seriously, Im really happy with my result. This is really an unexpected result for me. Really thanks to everyone who have taught me and share their understanding with me. Really, Thanks a lots! Serene, Vincent, WeeChin, JC, KingHeng, ChanWei, etc ! Thanks!! Love u guys! ;)

CT and Chem, I was the highest among our group member. Honestly, Im really shocked, I bet you all will feel shock too la. This stupid Ky will get the highest mark == Anyway, for CT, I really gonna thanks WeeChin and especially KingHeng! OMG. I really dare not to refresh back the day, the half an hour before CT paper. I have forgotten everything single thing. >< Thanks KingHeng's companion and helps! Thanks guys. :)

Monday, July 25, 2011

Tutorial G10 :)

 hahaha, after our experiment. Always will be a photo shooting section :)
I love this photo la weih, nice shoot ya, JC :) LOL!

Our 1st Karaoke section! rock the ktv !! A unforgetable K section :)

LOL. Macam yeshh punye photo.

Started from week3, test has became a common thing for us. Sleep at 3-4am was a common thing to all of us. The UTAR CFS Tutorial G10 ! HAHAHA . Ya, we always do things together no matter where we are. Maybe not all of us together, but at least few of us. The few "hardcore" one. haha. So, yeaa.. this article was mainly for YOU ALL. Hmmm, although just back from school, but I seems like... started missing you all la weihh. Don't know~ because of u all, i have the college feel. hehe. Next sem is coming soon, I m worry. I want to stick with our own group, I dont wanna seperate from u all :( Please, may god bless that few of us could get the same timetable!! Pleaseeeee. Thanks god.

I've used to this group.
When I have questions in certain subject, i know who to find, who to depends on.
When I was doing reports, assignment, tutorials, I know who will be the one who did the same hardcore thing with me. I know who to kacau at what time.
When I was concentrating on my test paper, I know who r the one who keep staring at my paper. HAHA.
When I was emo, I know that my phone will ring and the same name will appears.
When I was fishing in the class, and i know i will receive a annoying phone.
haha, peopleee, stop doing this la weihh. next sem not same group how? I gonna miss all of this messages, missed call(s), companions so much.

Saturday, July 16, 2011


Hi blogger !

Long time no see. Could you recognize me? With a super dark eye circle. Honestly, Im getting older n uglier nowadays. pimpers + dark eye circle :(

Few days before, when i look into the mirror. Honestly n seriously, Im scared by myself also. My eye circle is no longer a dark eye circle but seems like... blue black. macam kena orang belasah. After that, the next day, my dark eye circle seems like bigger than my eye =.= Ytday, my mum ask me isnt got make up to school  macam ada eye shadow. OMG!!! UTAR memang = Universuty Tak Ada Rehat!

Well, 2 full reports, 2 assignments, 2 tests. wowww, 成双成对。very good ! and what now?! 我们还不是捱过去了? G10 ! 我们能的 ! haha :)

After today's test, went to loudspeaker for K session with my group mates! OMG! Its awesomeeeeeeee! HAHAHA. Feel really released after this week. huuuuu~ Ky! cannot give up so easily ya! gah yao gah yao! +u, haha :)

Saturday, July 2, 2011

Score = Money

First test for both Maths 1 and Mechanics.

I've started doing revision a week before the test. Ya, honestly I put more effort on Mechanics compared to Maths 1 because the difficulty was quite a big range and so to my understanding ability. But somehow, during Maths 1 test, I had felt the feeling that I have never try before. The feeling of ... its really can't be described. In our lecture note, tutorials question and even extra questions that tutor gave us was not as tough as the test. I don't know whether the test was tough or, I don't understand this chapter.

Maths consists of 4 questions and carries 35 marks in total. Could I score 5marks and above? or not even 5 marks?

Mechanics, first of all really gonna thanks Chan Wei for sharing his tutorials' answer with me. Chan Wei, really thank you very very much ! Yesterday, after going through the answer of Mechanics, I have saw some light and seems like, my gap with Mechanics was slightly nearer -.- but is just somehow, I don't know what the hell happened to me. Keep calculate the wrong answer although everything was correct. This is a very very bek cek and ridiculous thing! Test questions was exactly the same as the tutorial questions, is just the value had changed. Just because of this, I m worry that still I can't score for it. If I can't score, it's surely because of my carerless mistakes, either calculation error or substitution error. Ya, this two was a very big mistake that is strictly not allow to happen! Aiks. Won't la won't la! I already double triple check every answer, must be 100% correct! no mistake!

During the past, I don't care much about the marks. Because, getting low marks really doesn't matter. It just to tell you your level of understanding. But now, its no longer this simple. Marks = Money! Can't reach 3.500, pay it then! Don't want to pay, then work hard! Stop giving excuses.

Monday, June 27, 2011


2/7/2011 - Saturday.

Mathematics 9am-10am
Mechanics 10:30am - 11:30am

Ahhhh!!! OMG!!
test held on Saturday? okay, fine.
2 subjects in the same day? Okay, well~
Maths and Mechanics ?!! Walaoooo, 咩事哦 -.-
Only half an hour break?!!!! UTAR ~ you win lo. you win all niaooo ~.~

Ky! don't complain ehh, walaooo. put more effort la, keep complain will transfer info into your brain or not? If it works, continue complain then. If its not, keep your mouth shut and face the notes! >_<

Saturday, June 25, 2011



A Pre-engineer used this method to flirt around.

= i+[10ve+5v+2eu+u]-5v-2eu
= i+10ve+5v+ 2eu+u-5v-2eu
= i+10ve+u

HAHAHA. Great Job, young man! :)

Friday, June 24, 2011


有些人事物在我们身边时,我们总是不察觉,把一切当成理所当然。 总是没好好珍惜。当不在了,我们才发觉,原来当初的一切并不是必然的。原来,没有了他,对我们带来那么大的影响。可是,遗憾,哭泣,后悔,内疚,憎恨,思念..对现况已经于事无补了,也都无法再把他带回到我们的身边。与其拼命挽留当初,为什么不好好珍惜现在?

“我...过几个星期就要走了。” ...

虽然面带微笑,可是真的...心里是出现了一万种不舍。这次一别,我们何时再相见? 怎么了,一片片我们的回忆不断地浮现,却不能以一字一句形容。值得庆幸的是,我们的回忆并不是悲伤的 ! 真的,每段回忆都是笑脸的 ^^


十年后? 真的还会记得对方吗? ...

我 非常爱你 非常确定 你像情人 又像知己 :) -- 梁文音 情人知己

Friday, June 17, 2011


The real Uni life had began.

Assignments, tests, reports.

Anyway, kinda glad to have such a busy life so that I will have something else to concentrate on instead of thinking unnecessary things. :) Nowadays, Facebook is not the first webpage I click into when Im connected to the internet. Google is the best companion of mine now. Anything, anywhere, anytime! *ADVERTISING*

Anyway, I prefer single bond. which ONLY consists of TWO electrons. Please, don't occur any dative bond or whatever bonding okay? And, I'm aso strictly prefer stable electron arrangement. Don't wish to donate my electron and for sure wouldn't accept other electron! pleaseeeeeee!! I'm stable now. lol.




我想要! 一定要! :) 


COACH 一直 是我梦寐以求的牌子。每次看到有人拿的时候,就会跟自己说,不能羡慕,因为总有一天我也能拥有它!

今天,我得到它了!! 可并没有很开心或庆幸。因为,那是哥哥在加拿大买给我的。我的第一个名牌包包! COACHHHH

Wednesday, June 15, 2011


I'm fully negatively charge now. Anyone could accept my electron to make me back to neutral or even positively charge?! ><

mmm, somehow forgotten what made us have the idea of  "couldn't-graduate-from-foundation", most probably it would be the lecturer(s) keep reminding us like a parrot that there were 500+ intake of foundation study students but there're only 180+ students graduated and could proceed to their degree.
Or maybe it would be the syllabus n level of my subjects that cause me have this worst idea of all. Ya, it's nothing wrong with the syllabus, it's my standard. I'm weak.. I'm a slow learner. Aiks, and yet, I still not that hardworking enough. 3.500, could i?

Girls !








对 一些出色的女生来说,总会遇上一些看似潜力股的男人,你为他改变自己,付出全部,他却说,你对他太好了,他的(学历,金钱,能力,地位,相貌等等)配不上 你。我身边好多姐妹们的例子证明,没有自信,只能靠你屈就才能交往的男人,以后对你不会好的,你的出色只会让他更自卑。


不是看他家有多少钱,是看他家家人是不是家庭和睦,关心礼让。一个家人中有男人打女人,大家还不闻不问,装作没看见的家庭,以后也不会管你的死活的。每个家庭都有缺点, 要问清自己男友的态度,一味愚忠的男人,心里对妻子的尊重是有限的。

金 钱是最能看出一个男人本质和感情的东西。姐妹们谈恋爱不是谈钱,但如果他在钱上让你感觉不对,就该好好想想他是不是合适你了。在谈恋爱的时候,正常的消费 是应该的,见面开始就说清要AA的男人太精于算计,也太怕吃亏了。在未来的婚姻中,有许多需要人牺牲的地方, 这样的男人会最先跑掉。






不 如一开始,就有分寸的表达爱意,给他表现的机会,让他为你做些事。说实话,男人对自己付出的东西印象比较深刻。他为你做得越多,付出越多,他对你越留恋, 越不开。反而,你的付出,他的获得他比较没感觉。在婚姻中,常干家务活,常照顾孩子的男人放弃婚姻的可能性要低得多,也正是因为这个家是他辛苦造就的,他 更舍不得放弃。

人 人都有犯错的可能,但如果一错再错,就是自己有问题。好多姐妹因为“和他在一起N年了”,“他是我第一个男人”,“我为他流过N个孩子了”,“我为了付出 了……”“我已经……岁了”而忍受和一个不善待自己的男人生活在一起,最后受伤的还是自己。我的一个朋友和我说过:这个世界上的事,没有一成不变的,它要 么变好,要么变坏,总之,没有不变的。这句话直接促使我走出了一段不好的感情。因为,我知道,如果要变,那段感情只会变得更差,以后我受得伤会更多。我的 勇敢是我现在过得不错最坚实的基础。




这 个世上有很多好男人正是苦苦寻找另一半。不是所有的男人都只爱处女,也不是所有的男人都会在乎你以前的婚姻,更不是所有的男人都在意你的年龄学历。有很多 好的婚姻中,男人爱的,是自己女人的笨,天真及及圆圆的身材,或是嘴角的那颗痣。你受过的伤,他会加倍疼惜,你的勇敢,会让他更加尊重。所以,即使受了 伤,也要像金三顺一样,勇敢去爱,就像没有受过伤一样。你只有首先开放了自己,这个世界才会放开你。

好 男人和坏男人在追求你之初,都会关心你,接你送你,给你发短信,在你生病时照顾你。不要一有人对你好,你就马上陷进去,想一想,多看一看,再做决定。一 般,四个月,足够的接触,足以让你了解他。网上的交往不算的,再长时间的网络接触也不算的,真实的生活才有意义。你要和他一起吃饭,逛街,一起做些事,才 能了解他。你过得快不快乐,你自己知道。很多时候,不是男人在欺骗我们,是我们自己在骗自己。


Sunday, June 12, 2011

P license:)

13th June 2011.

A very memorable day for me. LOL!

I got my P license !!! hehehe. Without any 突发事件, I have passed my driving test. Huuu, finally I can clear my 2010's Goal. Ya, it's time to work hard for my 2011's goal list already !! Gambatte !!!

Friday, June 10, 2011

18 :)











 *Extremely like this*

12. 是的,你已经达到法定婚龄了,可是你并不用着急着嫁人。(女生) 



15.自己喜欢的东西,不要奢望别人买。 (女生)



Saw this post in Facebook. What a meaningful post.
Plan you work and work your plan! Gambatte !

Monday, June 6, 2011


Yayyy! Get into Week2 of my Uni life.

Emm, positively I should be glad la. haha. But my very first Biology test fall on Week 4. Should I put "Aiks!"  instead of "Yayy!" ? LOL. Face it ! Ky can de! right? :) hehe.

Week2 is really a big different from the first week. Although I'll still get out of the lift wrongly and walks many yuan-wang road. LOL. Have some new friends, but I still miss my old friends. Especially during lecture classes. Somehow the image of us studying together will appears when lecturer asked some specific question(s). Like, I will think that, "If xx was here, sure he/she will fight back." and " if xx was here, I can ask him/her this question." etc. LOL ! Girl ! wake up and move on la. That's all memories but not realistic. :)

Ohya ! My student card ! Hehehe, I got it. Will upload it some other day la, to prove that I'm a UTARian ! Hoohohoho.

Think positively and everything will be fine. Smile ~ heheheee.

Tuesday, May 31, 2011


Modulus. A magic wands that could change every negative number into a positive one.

Hehehe, changed my blog title to MODULUS. This is because, hope that everything that I had posted here will become a positive one after all, both negative n positive topics.

Think positively, then everything will be very fine.
Hmmm, tomorrow gonna have the very first class for Critical Thinking. A new subject to me, wondering what it's all about. Hope it will be a great one ! :)

Monday, May 30, 2011

First Day !

30th May 2011.

Yayy, finally this day had came into me ! The first class of the Uni life was - Biology I. LOL !
The syllabus covered was similar with what I've learned in SPM actually, but without a doubt I had forgotten all of them totally. I wish I could fall in love with it as I have no other choice :)

This subject is a very interesting one! The solution was freaking ridiculous but yet it made me feels amazing. It's really brain-challenging ! :)

Mathematics I.
Hmm, lecturer had gave us a test to do. It's all questions that we had learned during Form4 n 5 in Maths subject as well as Add Math. Same thing happened, the formulas .. I've forgotten. Not even a single memory in my mind. haha. completing the square, logarithms, cosine rule, etc.

Sure I'll cope with it and recall these very quickly ! Gambatte ! Tests will be started on Week 4. So, it's really no way for me to fool around like I do during the past. LOL.

 Although something unhappy happened. Ya, I should have control myself goodly. Aiks. Why influence by others so easily? Where is your rational, beliefs, toughness ? MakKahYan ! Don't make the same mistake again, think of others and yourself as well. 做好自己本分就好,0 遗憾 ! :)
Sorry, I shouldn't send the message. or, maybe shouldn't be at that time. Anyway, enjoy your holidays !

Friday, May 27, 2011

never the end.

This is not the end ! Never the end !

This is just a turning point! A terminal, to get into a path which we feel better.

Don't give up !

We can !

xxxx xxxx xxxx, xx xxxx xxxxxx xx xxxxxxxx! x xxxx xxx !!

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

I'm a Grade A student !

Well, felt a little stress after attending today's orientation programme which talks about PTPTN and Scholarship.

To maintain 100% waiver of tuition fees, my CGPA gonna be maintained at 3.5000 and above. Okay,when I get to know this, I knows it will be not easy but I think as long as I put in effort and be more hardworking, I would maintain it. But now, OMG ! After the slide shown by the speaker today, I'm really scared. If got grade B, then the CGPA will dropped to 3.300. So, which means, to reach 3.5000 I need to got at least an A- which also equivalent to 75% (if I'm not mistaken).. OMG ! Every subject also need to get A .. could I? From a ordinary graded student into a A graded student. Furthermore, no tuition, no notes. Errr...Anyway, I will do my best !

Another crazy info I got today about the scholarship, after 1 year Foundation study, to continue 100% waiver during degree programme, we need to have CGPA of  3.9000 and above. !!! Apa ini? Gila ke?

I know, I shouldn't have this kind of mindset now. Since I have not touches any of my subject yet. Ky ! You can !! Nothing is unachievable! Do your best !! Gambatteeeeee .

Monday, May 23, 2011

orientation day :)

UTAR ORIENTATION Programme 2011.

The night before it, me and peers were excited for it. Because our loafer and aimless life could finally come to a very end. HEHE. And of course, thanks to everyone who had text / call me yesterday night. Thanks for the concerns :) All the best in your life too !

Everything was ok for the whole orientation programme actually. But then, when it almost came to an end, a man gave us a integrity talk. Err, seriously.. I really can't get what he mean. What I know is, he made the orientation programme sien == Met quite some old friends there. Wish to know more new friends ! :) Yesh ! My Uni life gonna start soon ! Ky, play hard and work hard ! You can do it :) haha.

Sunday, May 22, 2011


之前,看到这段歌词是,真的很能feel到它的无奈。是真的很...酸?悲? 也不知道怎么形容。可久而久之,发觉,有那么凄美吗? 既然相爱,为什么还要分开? 还相爱却分开的,我觉得,是双方都不争气,不珍惜,不坚持。

你懂得珍惜吗? 珍惜你的家人吗? 珍惜你的朋友吗? 珍惜他/她吗? :) 如果,你珍惜一样人,事,物,你就不会允许任何东西伤害他,或导致你失去他。不是吗? 我相信,如果我们都珍惜身边的一切,世界会是美好的。虽然是土了些,可是认真想想,不对吗?

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Hari Anugerah Cemerlang 2011


Hari Anugerah Cemerlang @ SMK TAMAN EHSAN

Ya, I'm glad that I'm invited to this event at least once in my life. HEHEHE.


Ky Jor !

Serene Ky !

Jeff Ky !

Ky !!

Dad Ky Mum ! ♥

Ky Mum ♥

Ky Ly !!

lol, come some ss's picture of mine ba. It's been a long time didn't ss d.

Friday, May 20, 2011

Jay Again ! :)

Know what?! Jay gonna have another concert in Malaysia on 30th July 2011. OMG ! But, this isn't his own concert like The Era World Tour. This is come with a few artists. Jay, Soda Green, Landy and Cyndi will be performing from what I had read from newspaper la~ Fuyohhh. Hati Gatahhh.. lol. The cheapest was RM148 but it's numbered seat. Should I? or? Emmm... loll. Lynn~~ saya mau worr...*puppy eye* LOL.

Thursday, May 19, 2011



Finally, I had coloured my hair. *clap*
Purple colour lehh... hehe. But la, the effect not like what I want lo..actually~ loll.

Need to have sunlight only got colour. So o, i keep go outside, under the sunlight, ask my family... got a? got colour or not? LOLLLL. I don't think that is purple lo, macam brown jeeee... :(

Hope after few days the colour will "come out" la~

Wednesday, May 18, 2011



就像朋友在Facebook Post 过的,“信任是一点一点小事情累积而成的。所以建立信任难,但是毁坏信任却可以是一瞬间的事情~” Emm,可是我想...毁坏这份『信任』并不是一瞬间的事。毕竟,到现在..我还是会相信他的所言。笨吧? 每一次的失望,令我对这份『信任』动摇了。事实就摆在眼前,这样,我还能坚持我这份信任吗? 我真的试过了,每一次失望时,都不停的在为残酷的『事实』狡辩,其实,自己非常清楚的知道...这『事实』就是真正的事实。只是希望,狡辩后,伤可以轻一些,痛可以少一点。

可能是我现实吧,我做每样事情,都会先想想..这样做是否值得。只要,是值得的,付出的代价是多少,我根本就不在乎。因为,结果才是重点。过程再煎熬,只要得到我要的结果,那过程也会是美好的。所谓:" 回首向来萧瑟处,归去,也无风雨也无晴" LOLL. *还要show off 下我华语程度*haha.


说来说去,我还是坚持着我的信念。为什么我就是那么的固执呢? 可能就像我的"老"朋友说的,我们都死性不改吧~ loll.

切记: 不要对号入座哦 ~ :)

Sunday, May 15, 2011



Yesterday my sakais went for their first clubbing section together. I really wish to spend my first time with them too. It's so precious. But, somehow ... there're some "obstacle". And, the "obstacle" was ... well, since no one forced me to do so ... So, well, ya~ u know? LOL ! Hope u guys really enjoy it la :)

And, let's say goodbye to my dear Faye! She went to the jungle for 10 weeks. ya, hope u enjoy your life there, my dear :) gonna miss u very much ! and, hope things will go better after 10 weeks ! hehe.

Monday, May 9, 2011






好啦,知道了啦。我亲爱的朋友们。我黑眼圈很恐怖啦 T^T 的确,最近都有遇到蛮多很久没见的朋友。10个有9个都酱说...我真的很很很很伤心叻 >< 最无奈的是,有的后面还要加一句,"黑眼圈很难消的~" argghhh..我简直就是..bek cek !

对啦,这几天真的还蛮夜睡的。都出到蛮晚。*我知道这是自找的* lolll
怎么办怎麽办 ><

Saturday, May 7, 2011

母亲节快乐 ♥


今天一早(12:00noon) 被妈妈吵醒。不停的听到他骂那个在网上剪头发的女生。好啦,在我半梦半醒的走去了客厅,妈就马上叫我看。其实,我早就看到了这video,只是,说真的...我没兴趣看。即使我再闷在无聊,click进去看的念头不曾出现过。我也不知道为什么,可能就觉得他们无聊吧。没资格浪费我的时间+精神。昨晚,跟朋友出去喝茶时,他们也说了一些给我听。好吧,反正妈都load了,我就看吧。说真的,的确,看了,心很酸,很痛。我也没看完,只看一半,就跑进房间,眼泪既然掉了。我不知道为什么。是为那被欺负的女孩而掉的吗? 还是,为那班无知的小孩而掉? 无可否认,对于那被欺负的女孩,我深感同情,也真的很心疼她。T.T 头发,对女生来说是命根吧? 头发短了,可以再长过,唯一需要的是时间与耐心。可是,这是否会令那女孩有什么心理问题呢? 唉,欺负人,有那么好玩吗? 有想过,后果吗? 爸妈辛苦赚钱让你们去求学,你们却搞出了那么大的丑闻。相信,爸妈的心一定很难过。面子是其次,真正伤心的,懊恼的,是要怎样把他们一路以来细心教导,抚养长大的孩子带回进"正途"。今天,是母亲节,这就是你们给母亲的礼物吗?感谢她的礼物吗? 这就是她付出的代价吗?! 每做一件事情前,拜托用你们的脑想下后果先吧。

Mummy !! Happy Mother's Day ♥ ILoveYou. xD

很多人都说很久没跟妈妈说“我爱你” 了。可是,我似乎每晚都有说。“谢谢你”的话呢..偶尔有说啦。就当看到妈妈做到很累了的时候,就跟他说咯。哈哈哈。虽然我每次说谢谢你时哦,妈妈都会很骂我:"谢什么啦,去对着你的电脑啦,不用帮手的" 哈哈哈。因为,我总是在妈很累的时候说嘛,她可能就bek cek了一点咯。hehehe.反而,“对不起” 我却真的好像没有说过。为什么的? 我也不知道。虽然说长大了,很久没发爸妈脾气了。尤其是妈妈。就算有时因为他们不能理解我的看法,说了些过分的话,马上的,我就会很内疚,不停的自责。可是还是希望我能慢慢学会控制自己,不再伤害他们啦:) 咪,sorry a.. hahaha.知道你不可能会看到 :P

咪~~ 呵呵。再给我一点点的时间吧,我会努力的! 爱你 ♥ 记得我说的话哦!

Hope that next year's mother's day present will be a better one.and of course, hope u will like this year one la~ hehehe . I will work hard for it ! I love you, mummy ! forever and ever, from the core of my heart ♥ muacksssss !

Thursday, May 5, 2011



承诺的定义是什么? 难道就是在话前/后加上一句,“我答应你”吗? 只是没做到“答应”了的事才叫做不守诺言吗? 说到,就要做到。就算做不到,至少在之前跟对方说声好吗? 之前不说,之后也说声吧... 如果,是完全当没有一件事的... 好吧,你就是不负责任。

please la ! say what u mean , and mean what u say !!

Wednesday, May 4, 2011


suddenly found this video on Facebook posted by a friend of mine. Hmmm, clicked it with curiosity. Eh~ the lyrics ... not bad .. :(


为什么每一次遇到问题时,就只会流泪? !!!

没有用 !!!

真的觉得自己很失败 ... aiks.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011










你们要求什么,我都答应。因为我不会say no.

你们说那次只是纯粹的因为我好运,我沉默。你们说我默认,我也算了。 我不需要你们的肯定。真的不需要。

可是,我再笨..你们也不能这样 ! T.T


Not bad.

went 1u with my loafer-friend again. lolll.
here r our pictures :)

my first time tasting 臭豆腐。it's nice !!! not willing to post this pic actually, my dark eye circle was so so so serious >< anyway, use as a memory of my first time la~ hehe ^^

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Journey II

S&J 9th annual party. SnJ (MV) with our "headmaster" Jeff Yap :)

Ky n Pei :)
Girl, be strong. and same thing la, hope u can get a GOOD NEW job soon. Don't ever limit urself. You can do it !
The closest friend of mine in snj mv. LOL. If to write down memorable stuff of us, it's endless. Might be the age of us was close and somehow our thinking is similar. anyway, I'll never ever forget the way she carry and throw me out of the shop. loll. sifeipo, I'll lose my weight in this week time !! hehe ^^v

Ky and Thulasi (Darling)
HAHAHA. Pandiii ... lolll. oooi, betui betui punye babi~ loll. The very first person that always tell me very PROUDLY that she's a real pig (betui betui punye babi). hahaha. and, the most disgusting love story that I ever heard before was told by her too. haha.
Darling~ thanks for the bracelet that you had presented to me. and, gambatte for May's target.

Ky and PeiLing (Biii)
Biiii, hahaha. EMO. see her face, I could just relate to E.M.O. The youngest between us. The most-easy-jealous person. not only in sale, but also in social. haha. her face will turn immediately when she saw pei / darling holding my hand or talk secretly with me. haha.
Biii, zui ai shi ni le la. bu yao zai chi chu le. haha. hai you a, xie xie ni de Stitch de pencil case a~ ni yao gai diao de dong xi, yi ding neng gai diao de ! gambatte !

SQ and Ky :)

Girls, thanks for being a part of my journey :) You'll really taught me a lot ! Especially in training my EQ and temper. haha.

Wednesday, April 27, 2011







* 有些人不必理会。无论他说什么,做什么,多么无理,多么无礼,多么幼稚,真的不需要在乎。

* 有些人永远成不了你的敌人,不必抬举他。这种人只是自作多情,一位攻击你,伤害你,就能够被你所恨。

* 有些人不必等待。我们心里其实清楚得很。这个人不必再等了,只是我们放不下。


我就是喜欢张小娴。因为,我觉得读他的书,就像在说出我心里的话。很多很多话,我不懂得怎样表达,可是,一看到她的文章,我就觉得,原来,简单几个字,就是我要说的。lolll... 对,我不喜欢解释。对我来说,解释是一件很烦的事情。毕竟,本小姐真的很不善于表达。你越要我解释,我越说错话。所以啊~ 同事们每次都说我不听人解释,很讨厌。诶,小姐们,不是我不听你们解释啦~ 只是,我觉得,解释就是....就... 相信我的人,不需多解释。不信我的人,我没必要解释。就酱。所以,当你们解释时,我总会说...“我懂啦,不用解释~” haha. *就说我不善于表达*

目标 vs 方法

那天,朋友问我...目标和方法,我会选哪个? 其实,我也不是很明白这问题啦~ loll.. 只是,不知道为什么,这问题偶尔会浮现。其实,对我而言,目标是非常非常重要的。


就像上个月的我。在做工那里,我的target是14000。因为,我是7号开始工作,所以,当玲跟我说时,马上脑海里出现-不可能的任务。 就是这样,我没有经我所能争取到底。每天只想着只要有过0.25有得交代就好了。结果,我真的只过了0.25。

这个月头,当我们的personal target出了时,看了我的是14733.33。就答应自己说,我一定要过。结果,我真的过了。的确,我很欣慰。因为,今天才27号。我已经是149多了...玲跟我说,他做了5年,我是第2个在31号前hit 到完的。说真的,听了这句话...我很开心。所以,我更加相信,有目标,我才会努力做到最好。就算达不到,至少我没有遗憾。

可是,为什么当我要换我的definite goal 时,我却不知道要写什么呢? 我只知道,我的时间比别人少。我一定要跟上时间的步伐。



刚在facebook看到朋友的这一段话...在想,如果是我,我的答案会是怎样呢? 第一个想到的答案是,我还会继续吃,如果..真的很不喜欢那就扔吧,何必委屈自己? 可是,过后...我开始犹豫了。不是应该先看那是什么苹果吗? 如果,那是我找了很久,花了很多时间,金钱才买到的苹果,就算是酸的...我也会坚持下去,不会期待下一口会是甜的 (因为对我而言,那几率太低了) 只会希望,自己真的能慢慢适应。会有一天爱上酸的苹果 :)


Sunday, April 24, 2011



每天,一早起来就开始了我们忙碌的生活。工作的工作,读书的读书...每天早上,有的左手拿着一大叠的资料,不断的再看,右手不断的把面包往嘴里塞,有的半睡半醒的再绑头发,有的甚至连鞋子也没穿好。 到了晚上,大家都累垮了。都完全不顾形象的在火车里睡死去。其实,我们这么忙碌的过日子,为的只是生活。从小,爸妈就不停的灌输我们要好好求学,长大了才能找到好工作,可以过好的生活。

其实,生活...又为了什么? 因为,大家都一样这样吗?

Thursday, April 21, 2011

I did it !


Although today I'm very very tired. but, I need to share this happiness here :)

Today, 21 April 2011 ( Thursday ), I did 19 transactions. But my sale was Rm1905. hohohohoho !! but, still lack Rm100 to break my friend's record. anyway, I should be happy !! hehe.

This is my first time, with my hard work, promote the product of ours. and, the customer ordered so many !! Thanks !! Panasonic !! LOLLLLL~


Monday, April 18, 2011


hehehe. 很久没有看这些散文了。朋友介绍了这本《我爱过,所以我活过》给我看。无可否认,看了几篇后,我又爱上了张小娴的文采。她,真的很棒。差不多每要翻第2篇的时候,我都是在赞同她所写的。

你说: “男朋友两年前离开我的时候,我很伤心,可我现在已经想不起那是有多伤心了。但是,我以前养过一只很可爱的金毛狗,他七八年前死了,直到如今,我还是常常想起它,我还是会难过。我是不是爱狗而胜过我爱男人?”








ermmmm, 刚读的时候,明明觉得很感触的,可是...post了上来,好像也觉得...没什么。lolll... 越来越善变了~


S&J MV with our boss (Sam n Jeff)

12 April 2011.

S&J 9th annual party. This annual party had motivated me a lot. Thanks !
Without a doubt, I had really learned a lots during this working period. And, I really do tasted the sweetness and bitterness of social. Listening to my friends' stories, their background, lifestyle .. I really feel that, I'm a lucky one. I need to be more gratitude. Girls, I will never forget this period although it's a short one. Don't know what's the reason it make me feel so, would it be the time we spent together is long? hmmm... Anyway, the laughter, the tears, the joy, the anger and of course the game we played is always a good memory for me :) I hope, all of us could cross over this obstacle together before 30th April, like we promised. * abo I need to work till 29th May* what a big punishment for me. haha. MV is the best !! Gambatte ! <3

Thursday, April 14, 2011

First driving :)

Yesterday started my first driving lesson. LOL !

It's was cool? emmm, ok lo... quite boring de~ keep driving straight only == Actually the uncle not bad de, didn't scold much..Just, hahahhaa... sometimes he's bek cek. lollll.
the first thing he bekcek about was...
" reaction faster ... don't so slowww..."
actually, i also bek cek when he say like this :(

" don't drive so fastttt .. slow down"
" aiyo, don't give so many oilllll..."

HAHAAA, whole driving journey keep repeat ==

Isn't because recently the time i spent alone getting more or what? I like day dreaming. Even when I was driving .. OMGGGG...

Thursday, April 7, 2011


Yeshhh !! Finally I had ran out from the darkness of decision making. LOL ! Hope that what I choose were lead me to what i want, so to all my friends :)

Today went to Utar for registration. Haha. Snapped pictures of my registration forms and documents. but, can't connect to computer again a :( anyway, it's a great one. Going for Foundation in Science ! :) Anyone same with me a? hehe.

Sunday, March 27, 2011




可是... 在感情上,到底应该现实些还是单纯些?


真的猜不透呐 !

Thursday, March 24, 2011

result !


期待已久的SPM 成绩,终于出炉了!


接过成绩,勤说:“9个” 我,真的很开心! 可是,那开心在几秒钟后消失了...我的华文竟然拿A-。好! 那我去看Biology。 A ?! 酱...... 难道我拿10个?! 再看到,B+ ... 再看... Pendidik Moral. 再三的看清,为什么?!!!! 为什么会是这科?

即使到今天,想起我的成绩,我还是会很不甘心。 那又能怎样? 算了吧~ 只是,我真的很不甘心咯!! yerrr !!! 原来这样才是真正的bek cek ! Aiks.

6A+ , 1A, 2A-, 1B+ 。 好吧,成绩是怎样,都已成了定局。是时候决定读什么了。烦!!

Friday, March 18, 2011


23rd March 2011.

SPM result of 2010 candidates will be release. Which means, the returns of my effort is coming to me on this day too. I'm really scare. Although, it's useless. I can't change a single thing even i cry my eye off, but...aku memang takutttttt >< Especially after listening to my colleague's experience. She is one year older than me la, so..asked her why not continue her study after SPM. She said :" I planned everything, confirmed colleges and course. But my result was out of expectation. I failed my BM, so...I can't continue. ... " Emmmm... fail BM? errr.. I won't gua? I really very scare. aiks. 希望越高,失望越大。I know, but I can't lie to myself.. I really aim for that, because i have my own goal. but, what if i didn't get what i aim for? eeeeeeeeeeeee....

And horrr.. I can't off on this day lehh.. ishh! apa la ~ after getting the result need to rush to ktm >< I hate looooooooo~ eeeee. but la, hahahhaa. hope is bringing happiness la ha~ hehe.

Good Luck to every 2010 SPM candidates la :) Of course especially my dearssss la !

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

epi 1

我知道,我们都没有错,只是放手会比较好过~最美的爱情回忆里待续 ...

emm, many things to blog actually. but i had forgotten. Many things n people i met recently cause I m currently working, i think this is cool although it's freaking tiring.

My work place have no chairs for us to sit == so, we stand whole day long. ishh. but la, each n everytime saw my customers buy present for their loved one, wowww, u know~ so sweet. Really feel happy for them :) hehee.

Saturday, March 5, 2011

You're my bestie !


知道了一件事情,真的令我觉得非常的失望。这段友情,非一般。一直以来,我都非常珍惜。甚至,对我来说...这已不再仅仅是友情了。就好像家人,不用带任何面具,不用伪装。可是...为什么呢? 是你自己亲口跟我说的!

心里有无数的话,感受想说,却卡住了,一言难尽。我,无言。失望!唉...如果,你是别人,我不会这样,不会这么的不明,不这么的心痛,不会那么的失望! 就是因为你不是别人! T.T 难道,长大了,就没有真正的朋友了吗?

The Era World Tour 2011 !

Thanks Gina for sponsoring me to my Jay's 2011 The Era World Tour concert :) Went to this concert with Gina, Kelvin and Jeff :) Ya, it's awesome. and we bought lot's of goodies of Jay ! I had bought a cap of Jay, a goody bag and some other small memorable stuff ! Wish to buy the purple shirt with my Jay printed on it, but no more size :( Well, I believe I will get a better n nicer one during his coming concert ! LOL.

His concert is just awesome, screamed all way long. And know what?! He did walked down and shaked hand with his fans at the rock zone. The feeling of mine at the moment was... I wanted to jump down from 2nd floor ! I really went crazy when he say he gonna go down. OMG ! I swear, I wanted to go to his concert and buy the rock zone ticket ! (hope I have the ability by his next concert!) Few sentences that he said really impressed me. It just made me love Jay deeper and deeper ! lol.

Firstly, 我不会倒,谁叫我是周杰伦!
Next, this one is the really freaking man one. LOL. It goes like this : " 刚不是跟保全说过了吗? 不用兰我的歌迷! " OMG ! How could he be so ..... undescribable? LOL. I just love him very much ! I will never ever forget the scene after he had said this sentence. The fans were like pushing the security guards with their whole effort right after Jay finished his words! How could he be so powerful?! gosh !

After the concert, without a doubt, my ear was a little blur. Like, can't hear voices clearly. Ya, exactly. Because Malaysian were so passion that we keep shouting n screaming ! LOL. Went for supper after that :)

Really enjoy the concert ! Of course, the concert is awesome isn't just because of it was Jay's but also because of I've watched it with my love one. Gina n Jeff ! ♥

Here are some pictures we took before the concert !
My Jay's goodies :)

The lovers :)

Ky Gina !

Kelvin Gina !

Ky Jeff !

Ky Jeff during concert !

Hope that we could enjoy more and more concert TOGETHER ! :)