Girl, be strong. and same thing la, hope u can get a GOOD NEW job soon. Don't ever limit urself. You can do it !
The closest friend of mine in snj mv. LOL. If to write down memorable stuff of us, it's endless. Might be the age of us was close and somehow our thinking is similar. anyway, I'll never ever forget the way she carry and throw me out of the shop. loll. sifeipo, I'll lose my weight in this week time !! hehe ^^v
HAHAHA. Pandiii ... lolll. oooi, betui betui punye babi~ loll. The very first person that always tell me very PROUDLY that she's a real pig (betui betui punye babi). hahaha. and, the most disgusting love story that I ever heard before was told by her too. haha.
Darling~ thanks for the bracelet that you had presented to me. and, gambatte for May's target.
Ky and PeiLing (Biii)
Biiii, hahaha. EMO. see her face, I could just relate to E.M.O. The youngest between us. The most-easy-jealous person. not only in sale, but also in social. haha. her face will turn immediately when she saw pei / darling holding my hand or talk secretly with me. haha.
Biii, zui ai shi ni le la. bu yao zai chi chu le. haha. hai you a, xie xie ni de Stitch de pencil case a~ ni yao gai diao de dong xi, yi ding neng gai diao de ! gambatte !
Darling~ thanks for the bracelet that you had presented to me. and, gambatte for May's target.

Biiii, hahaha. EMO. see her face, I could just relate to E.M.O. The youngest between us. The most-easy-jealous person. not only in sale, but also in social. haha. her face will turn immediately when she saw pei / darling holding my hand or talk secretly with me. haha.
Biii, zui ai shi ni le la. bu yao zai chi chu le. haha. hai you a, xie xie ni de Stitch de pencil case a~ ni yao gai diao de dong xi, yi ding neng gai diao de ! gambatte !
SQ and Ky :)
Girls, thanks for being a part of my journey :) You'll really taught me a lot ! Especially in training my EQ and temper. haha.