
人生就是要有酸甜苦辣才是人生。 這是我的空間,唯我獨有。 我不會說好話讓人開懷,這裡我只做我自己,說我要說的,只說我專用的ky語言,聽不慣不愛聽隨你便,請勿對號入座。因為這是我的世界,我的生活!

Friday, June 17, 2011


The real Uni life had began.

Assignments, tests, reports.

Anyway, kinda glad to have such a busy life so that I will have something else to concentrate on instead of thinking unnecessary things. :) Nowadays, Facebook is not the first webpage I click into when Im connected to the internet. Google is the best companion of mine now. Anything, anywhere, anytime! *ADVERTISING*

Anyway, I prefer single bond. which ONLY consists of TWO electrons. Please, don't occur any dative bond or whatever bonding okay? And, I'm aso strictly prefer stable electron arrangement. Don't wish to donate my electron and for sure wouldn't accept other electron! pleaseeeeeee!! I'm stable now. lol.