holly shittt ! start feeling unbalanced!
feel like showing a sign "mml" *taught by a friend of mine*
so what? ishh ishh ishh! damn damn damn.
nairen! wozhendeyoudianbuxihuanni,duibuqi.
一而再再而三的忍讓 並不代表你所做的都是對的 而我是錯的 我只是不想惡化這一切 我只想讓一切有個愉快的句點 日後相見還是朋友 I don't know what the hell is happening to you. you just make me feel so sien and tiring. sometimes, i know that it will make u feel bad or worsen the situation i just keep silent even though i dislike it a lot. and even, gave up something that would help me a lot,perhaps. what do u want somemore? don't force me to great you with a F word! you're challenging my limit,people!
MakKahYan, smile :)))) everyone have their good and bad. people react so must have their reason and try to figure it out. and you will feel better. JiaYouuu :))) Every problems have its reason and solution as well. you can cope with this with a better EQ. Just treat it as a EQ training ba :))) Gambatteeeeeeee ♥