yea, tomorrow AE test 1. Today? Programming test 1.
Kinda worry bout myself, honestly and seriously. For this programming test, I have just spent not more than 5 hours on it. isn't because I have no time, is just that I just simply go through it and go to bed. Intend to wake in the morning and revise again before school but then? babi i x boleh bangun >< ishhh. Answers were much more different from others. and yea, it's all my fault and i deserve it if i got a suck result. MakKahYan! it's time to be serious in your academy. half a sem had gone.
唉 看到有位朋友的status最近都是emo emo的 搞得我看了也真的很不開心 只想跟你說 女孩 輸了愛情不要緊,別把尊嚴也輸了 記住吧 人往往就是不懂得珍惜眼前的一切 等到失去了才知道那人事物對你是多麼的重要 因為有得失我們才會長大 所以 就當這是上了一堂寶貴的課吧 而每當你想起他 心在隱隱作痛時 那就是你在復習咯:)))) 所以複習得越多 犯同樣錯誤的機率就越少 不要沮喪 現在為他留的一滴淚 會換成未來的100個微笑 加油 支持你
傻婆tanting知道我最近發顛 心情時好時壞 昨天既然spam我wall 傻婆 今早看了真的有感動 有開心 哈哈 謝謝你啦 愛你 肥婆! XP 可是如果你能陪我跟我一起努力減肥的話 我會更開心更愛你 XDDD 對 我就是一個容易滿足的人 怎樣 ><