Yea, reports almost done. test still as much as previously does. Assignment is killing. 2 assignment due on the same week. yea, steady. what's really matter is that.. 2 tests is held on that week also. ohyea, my last report for Bachelor of Engineering (HONS) Chemicall Engineering Year 1 Sem 1 also due on that week. Wow, fanstastic baby. And it is just 2 weeks left. Boom shakalaka!
Nono, no break after this. Final is on 6th Sept. yeaaa..till 19th Sept. looking forward on 24th Sept!! Boom Shakalaka!!! haha. SEM BREAK! work work work, desperate for money. :)))
do something different, if you want your life to be different.
but not do things that are bad. yea, u know what i mean :/
off to bed