Tuesday, September 27, 2011
this is life.
Years ago, this song was the theme of my blog too. Suddenly came across with this song just now, when I was wondering, configuring, searching, thinking ... What actually do I want in my life? Ya, I do have my dream to chase of. I want to reach my B-terminal, there have everything that I want. That's why I'm doing such hardcore things! Honestly, these few days, Im really tired. I really freaking exhausted, and tired of this life! Why life not just that simple?! WHY?
Always reminding myself that I have no one to depends on, that's why I have to achieve my dream all by myself. What I want in the future, I gonna make it true by myself. No one is helping me. And I know, if I stop doing what I'm doing currently, my dreams will never ever achieved and it will only be a DREAM forever. I know what should I do, What I have to do, but ... I'm just too tired to move on. Ya, I might not have the right to said so, because I'm just an ordinary student who only need to worry about cgpa and pocket money. But, honestly, I'm tired. Maybe I'm just that lousy and weak. I don't know who to tell, who to charge me up. I've used up my batt. and songs no longer effective for my tiredness.
What I can see in my academy path is getting darker and darker. My main path to the B-terminal. That's why I've seek for my sub path. well, nothing come easily. Whatever come easily, will just go easily. That's why we have a saying - easy come, easy go. Since I have a abnormal dream, so I have to work abnormally! So, MKY!! It's time to back to your life and stop procrastinating! Just add a little more, you'll be there. :)
Saturday, September 24, 2011
Sometimes I'm kinda tired of this life. Its quite stressful and tiring of chasing something I wanted so desperately but it seems so far to me.
不是说过要证明给我看的吗? 为什么现在又退缩了? 为什么每个都是这样? 口口声声说有几好,会怎样怎样,可是时间久了却这样? 为什么每次都是要在我开始相信的时候跟我说原来不是? 每次都是当我从新再相信原来是有例外的时候,你们就跟我说原来全部都是一样? 之前的保证,之前的一切一切,难道都真的是假的吗? 麦嘉欣就是那么容易相信别人。死蠢。
也许你只把爱当游戏, 我却没那么聪明 :)
不是说过要证明给我看的吗? 为什么现在又退缩了? 为什么每个都是这样? 口口声声说有几好,会怎样怎样,可是时间久了却这样? 为什么每次都是要在我开始相信的时候跟我说原来不是? 每次都是当我从新再相信原来是有例外的时候,你们就跟我说原来全部都是一样? 之前的保证,之前的一切一切,难道都真的是假的吗? 麦嘉欣就是那么容易相信别人。死蠢。
也许你只把爱当游戏, 我却没那么聪明 :)
Saturday, September 17, 2011
很想马上倒在床上大睡到明天,我不想醒着。我知道我在逃避,可是,我除了暂时逃避,我还能怎样? 我真的有点累了,越来越觉得,其实自己并没有很好。之前都高估自己了。原来,一切都是假的美好。原来自己是那么不会handle问题。原来自己是那么的依赖他们。原来,原来,原来。原来我并不是自己想象中的坚强。我很想证明很多很多,更多更多,我以为我能。我相信我能。可是,我开始质疑了。我开始否定我自己。对,我很会鼓励别人,很会分析道理,当朋友down时,我都能开解他们,给他们solution。可是,当自己down时我却帮不到自己。
Thursday, September 15, 2011
Nearer :)
看到了,我的grades的时候,我怕了。心想一定是没有了,因为需要全部A才能保持,而我却没有。我失望了。当时,我真的一位就这样,我emo了。我在想再怎么跟家人交代,怎么跟自己交代。当我scroll 下一点点时,我才发觉,越来下面有下cpga == 原来我办到了! 我真的很开心,很开心很开心。可是,那开心只有短短的几分钟。当朋友不停的问时,我厌倦了,因为他们又在比较。也知道有些朋友考得并不是很好,心情也有点沉重了。我了解,我明白那感受,因为我刚还没看到cpga时也真的以为自己maintain 不到。无论如何,成绩是好是坏已成定局。现在该做的事是Sem2要更加努力,成绩不好不要逃避,找更好的读书方式,考好的更不要骄傲! Daddy, Mummy, Jie n Gor !! Thanks for the support and love. I can't do it without anyone of you. I will do my best to keep my promise, I will not disappoint you all. Love u guys!
看到了,我的grades的时候,我怕了。心想一定是没有了,因为需要全部A才能保持,而我却没有。我失望了。当时,我真的一位就这样,我emo了。我在想再怎么跟家人交代,怎么跟自己交代。当我scroll 下一点点时,我才发觉,越来下面有下cpga == 原来我办到了! 我真的很开心,很开心很开心。可是,那开心只有短短的几分钟。当朋友不停的问时,我厌倦了,因为他们又在比较。也知道有些朋友考得并不是很好,心情也有点沉重了。我了解,我明白那感受,因为我刚还没看到cpga时也真的以为自己maintain 不到。无论如何,成绩是好是坏已成定局。现在该做的事是Sem2要更加努力,成绩不好不要逃避,找更好的读书方式,考好的更不要骄傲! Daddy, Mummy, Jie n Gor !! Thanks for the support and love. I can't do it without anyone of you. I will do my best to keep my promise, I will not disappoint you all. Love u guys!

Wednesday, September 14, 2011
自己都不懂得爱自己,凭什么要别人爱你? 凭什么爱别人? 凭什么在这里跟我说尊严?! 你有吗?!
不要有问题发生的时候,就把矛头指向别人! 想下为什么会这样,是不是自己也有什么问题。小姐! 为什么别人会这样对你? 不见别人这样对其他人? 就是因为你自己不懂的保护自己,爱护自己,尊重自己,所以别人才不尊重你!
有样又怎样? 不懂得爱护自己,一样是贱货一件! 对不起,我不喜欢用那么难听的字眼,可是,我真的找不到任何一个词比贱货更适合你的了! 不要令我那么讨厌你好吗? 我很累。小妹,真希望你有改过自新的一天。可是,同时也害怕当你改过自新后,想回自己之前的无知,承受不了而自杀! 可恶! 明明自己就是恶魔,还要装天使。怎么这世界上会有那么讨厌的人啊? 哇靠! 我真的很讨厌你们! 你们! 同时,我也很感谢你们! 因为你们,我才有今天的我! 因为你们的所作所为,我才要撑下去! 证明给你们这些狗眼看人低的家伙看! 你们就尽管欺负他们吧,我会让你们后悔! 我说到就做到!我要做的事情,我一定做到!就像我能争取到我今天拥有的一切。 我就是喜欢看你们那无奈,不甘的样子!那一天,那一刻,那一秒,我永远不会忘记! 你们那惊讶,无言,无奈,不甘的样子,就是我最大的收获! 我说过,不要看小我,不要惹我,更加不要欺负我的家人! 继续过分吧,如果这样你会开心,就继续吧,我并不会阻止你,因为这才是我继续奋斗的动力! 不好意思,我不懂得用像你们用的那种低贱的手法去伤害别人,损人不利己。我比较喜欢双赢,不但能帮到自己,也能赢去你们的不甘同时那妒忌的眼神!尽管是那么一秒钟的嫉妒,我也要! 因为,我真的很讨厌很讨厌你们! 这是一个不变的事实!
原谅他人就是善待自己。妈妈常这样跟我说。我非常认同这句话,所以我很少讨厌别人。可是,至于你们,为什么我不能原谅你们? 因为你们在我眼里根本不是人! 就那么简单。
自己都不懂得爱自己,凭什么要别人爱你? 凭什么爱别人? 凭什么在这里跟我说尊严?! 你有吗?!
不要有问题发生的时候,就把矛头指向别人! 想下为什么会这样,是不是自己也有什么问题。小姐! 为什么别人会这样对你? 不见别人这样对其他人? 就是因为你自己不懂的保护自己,爱护自己,尊重自己,所以别人才不尊重你!
有样又怎样? 不懂得爱护自己,一样是贱货一件! 对不起,我不喜欢用那么难听的字眼,可是,我真的找不到任何一个词比贱货更适合你的了! 不要令我那么讨厌你好吗? 我很累。小妹,真希望你有改过自新的一天。可是,同时也害怕当你改过自新后,想回自己之前的无知,承受不了而自杀! 可恶! 明明自己就是恶魔,还要装天使。怎么这世界上会有那么讨厌的人啊? 哇靠! 我真的很讨厌你们! 你们! 同时,我也很感谢你们! 因为你们,我才有今天的我! 因为你们的所作所为,我才要撑下去! 证明给你们这些狗眼看人低的家伙看! 你们就尽管欺负他们吧,我会让你们后悔! 我说到就做到!我要做的事情,我一定做到!就像我能争取到我今天拥有的一切。 我就是喜欢看你们那无奈,不甘的样子!那一天,那一刻,那一秒,我永远不会忘记! 你们那惊讶,无言,无奈,不甘的样子,就是我最大的收获! 我说过,不要看小我,不要惹我,更加不要欺负我的家人! 继续过分吧,如果这样你会开心,就继续吧,我并不会阻止你,因为这才是我继续奋斗的动力! 不好意思,我不懂得用像你们用的那种低贱的手法去伤害别人,损人不利己。我比较喜欢双赢,不但能帮到自己,也能赢去你们的不甘同时那妒忌的眼神!尽管是那么一秒钟的嫉妒,我也要! 因为,我真的很讨厌很讨厌你们! 这是一个不变的事实!
原谅他人就是善待自己。妈妈常这样跟我说。我非常认同这句话,所以我很少讨厌别人。可是,至于你们,为什么我不能原谅你们? 因为你们在我眼里根本不是人! 就那么简单。
Monday, September 12, 2011
I can !
Hi, Sem-breaking . haha
Refresh back days I was studying for my final. It was really crazy. I wonder how could I do it? Locked in the room, sit there and study for 12 hours. OMG! But, its not surprise that I have gained 4kgs during this final exam. Honestly! I have gained 4kgs ! Ishhhh. Im super duper upset, and was trying my best to exercise and burn all the 4kgs FATS ! Since I couldn't control my food intake so I have to increase my FATS output, HAHA.
During the period where I am fighting for my final, the only thing that motivate me, and give me the energy and strength to study for 12 hours was SCHOLARSHIP. For me, score = money. Every single marks means a lot to me since I have started my uni life, because even Im lack of 0.01, it will cause me to pay RM3000+. And sorry to say that, I will not pay for it! Get off ! I COULD MAINTAIN my SCHOLARSHIP!
Although, facing the notes was tiring and toturing of course. but the mindset of us must be a very right one. Result will be release very soon, and I know many people will get result that they're expected and of course some will get unexpected result both good and bad one. But please, accept it with a open heart. Every single hard work will pay us back with our result. Our result is equivalent to our commitment. Even though, you cant get a result that you aim for, don't feel upset, don't darken your day. Promise yourself before u check the result, no matter the result was good or bad, allow yourself to spend only 2hours maximum to be proud/ sad of it. After that, back to ur real life! Good result means that, you need to continue the same effort in sem2 in order to maintain ur result. Bad result means that, the study method of u wasn't right, and think of another way or work harder ! :)
yes, we will all encounter moments in our lives that we just want to give up. Everything is just against us and we don't know how much more that we could take. I must confess that the road of perfectness and greatness is a difficult one! The hardship encountered along the way are what will test our resolve and make us great! So, whenever you're down and disappoint, don't give up! Tell yourself, I will survive, I will overcome, I will succeed! I can!
Refresh back days I was studying for my final. It was really crazy. I wonder how could I do it? Locked in the room, sit there and study for 12 hours. OMG! But, its not surprise that I have gained 4kgs during this final exam. Honestly! I have gained 4kgs ! Ishhhh. Im super duper upset, and was trying my best to exercise and burn all the 4kgs FATS ! Since I couldn't control my food intake so I have to increase my FATS output, HAHA.
During the period where I am fighting for my final, the only thing that motivate me, and give me the energy and strength to study for 12 hours was SCHOLARSHIP. For me, score = money. Every single marks means a lot to me since I have started my uni life, because even Im lack of 0.01, it will cause me to pay RM3000+. And sorry to say that, I will not pay for it! Get off ! I COULD MAINTAIN my SCHOLARSHIP!
Although, facing the notes was tiring and toturing of course. but the mindset of us must be a very right one. Result will be release very soon, and I know many people will get result that they're expected and of course some will get unexpected result both good and bad one. But please, accept it with a open heart. Every single hard work will pay us back with our result. Our result is equivalent to our commitment. Even though, you cant get a result that you aim for, don't feel upset, don't darken your day. Promise yourself before u check the result, no matter the result was good or bad, allow yourself to spend only 2hours maximum to be proud/ sad of it. After that, back to ur real life! Good result means that, you need to continue the same effort in sem2 in order to maintain ur result. Bad result means that, the study method of u wasn't right, and think of another way or work harder ! :)
yes, we will all encounter moments in our lives that we just want to give up. Everything is just against us and we don't know how much more that we could take. I must confess that the road of perfectness and greatness is a difficult one! The hardship encountered along the way are what will test our resolve and make us great! So, whenever you're down and disappoint, don't give up! Tell yourself, I will survive, I will overcome, I will succeed! I can!
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