Modulus. A magic wands that could change every negative number into a positive one.
Hehehe, changed my blog title to MODULUS. This is because, hope that everything that I had posted here will become a positive one after all, both negative n positive topics.
Think positively, then everything will be very fine.
Hmmm, tomorrow gonna have the very first class for Critical Thinking. A new subject to me, wondering what it's all about. Hope it will be a great one ! :)
Tuesday, May 31, 2011
Monday, May 30, 2011
First Day !
30th May 2011.
Yayy, finally this day had came into me ! The first class of the Uni life was - Biology I. LOL !
The syllabus covered was similar with what I've learned in SPM actually, but without a doubt I had forgotten all of them totally. I wish I could fall in love with it as I have no other choice :)
This subject is a very interesting one! The solution was freaking ridiculous but yet it made me feels amazing. It's really brain-challenging ! :)
Mathematics I.
Hmm, lecturer had gave us a test to do. It's all questions that we had learned during Form4 n 5 in Maths subject as well as Add Math. Same thing happened, the formulas .. I've forgotten. Not even a single memory in my mind. haha. completing the square, logarithms, cosine rule, etc.
Sure I'll cope with it and recall these very quickly ! Gambatte ! Tests will be started on Week 4. So, it's really no way for me to fool around like I do during the past. LOL.
Although something unhappy happened. Ya, I should have control myself goodly. Aiks. Why influence by others so easily? Where is your rational, beliefs, toughness ? MakKahYan ! Don't make the same mistake again, think of others and yourself as well. 做好自己本分就好,0 遗憾 ! :)
Sorry, I shouldn't send the message. or, maybe shouldn't be at that time. Anyway, enjoy your holidays ! ♥
Yayy, finally this day had came into me ! The first class of the Uni life was - Biology I. LOL !
The syllabus covered was similar with what I've learned in SPM actually, but without a doubt I had forgotten all of them totally. I wish I could fall in love with it as I have no other choice :)
This subject is a very interesting one! The solution was freaking ridiculous but yet it made me feels amazing. It's really brain-challenging ! :)
Mathematics I.
Hmm, lecturer had gave us a test to do. It's all questions that we had learned during Form4 n 5 in Maths subject as well as Add Math. Same thing happened, the formulas .. I've forgotten. Not even a single memory in my mind. haha. completing the square, logarithms, cosine rule, etc.
Sure I'll cope with it and recall these very quickly ! Gambatte ! Tests will be started on Week 4. So, it's really no way for me to fool around like I do during the past. LOL.
Although something unhappy happened. Ya, I should have control myself goodly. Aiks. Why influence by others so easily? Where is your rational, beliefs, toughness ? MakKahYan ! Don't make the same mistake again, think of others and yourself as well. 做好自己本分就好,0 遗憾 ! :)
Sorry, I shouldn't send the message. or, maybe shouldn't be at that time. Anyway, enjoy your holidays ! ♥
Friday, May 27, 2011
never the end.
This is not the end ! Never the end !
This is just a turning point! A terminal, to get into a path which we feel better.
Don't give up !
We can !
xxxx xxxx xxxx, xx xxxx xxxxxx xx xxxxxxxx! x xxxx xxx !!
This is just a turning point! A terminal, to get into a path which we feel better.
Don't give up !
We can !
xxxx xxxx xxxx, xx xxxx xxxxxx xx xxxxxxxx! x xxxx xxx !!
Wednesday, May 25, 2011
I'm a Grade A student !
Well, felt a little stress after attending today's orientation programme which talks about PTPTN and Scholarship.
To maintain 100% waiver of tuition fees, my CGPA gonna be maintained at 3.5000 and above. Okay,when I get to know this, I knows it will be not easy but I think as long as I put in effort and be more hardworking, I would maintain it. But now, OMG ! After the slide shown by the speaker today, I'm really scared. If got grade B, then the CGPA will dropped to 3.300. So, which means, to reach 3.5000 I need to got at least an A- which also equivalent to 75% (if I'm not mistaken).. OMG ! Every subject also need to get A .. could I? From a ordinary graded student into a A graded student. Furthermore, no tuition, no notes. Errr...Anyway, I will do my best !
Another crazy info I got today about the scholarship, after 1 year Foundation study, to continue 100% waiver during degree programme, we need to have CGPA of 3.9000 and above. !!! Apa ini? Gila ke?
I know, I shouldn't have this kind of mindset now. Since I have not touches any of my subject yet. Ky ! You can !! Nothing is unachievable! Do your best !! Gambatteeeeee .
To maintain 100% waiver of tuition fees, my CGPA gonna be maintained at 3.5000 and above. Okay,when I get to know this, I knows it will be not easy but I think as long as I put in effort and be more hardworking, I would maintain it. But now, OMG ! After the slide shown by the speaker today, I'm really scared. If got grade B, then the CGPA will dropped to 3.300. So, which means, to reach 3.5000 I need to got at least an A- which also equivalent to 75% (if I'm not mistaken).. OMG ! Every subject also need to get A .. could I? From a ordinary graded student into a A graded student. Furthermore, no tuition, no notes. Errr...Anyway, I will do my best !
Another crazy info I got today about the scholarship, after 1 year Foundation study, to continue 100% waiver during degree programme, we need to have CGPA of 3.9000 and above. !!! Apa ini? Gila ke?
I know, I shouldn't have this kind of mindset now. Since I have not touches any of my subject yet. Ky ! You can !! Nothing is unachievable! Do your best !! Gambatteeeeee .
Monday, May 23, 2011
orientation day :)
UTAR ORIENTATION Programme 2011.
The night before it, me and peers were excited for it. Because our loafer and aimless life could finally come to a very end. HEHE. And of course, thanks to everyone who had text / call me yesterday night. Thanks for the concerns :) All the best in your life too !
Everything was ok for the whole orientation programme actually. But then, when it almost came to an end, a man gave us a integrity talk. Err, seriously.. I really can't get what he mean. What I know is, he made the orientation programme sien == Met quite some old friends there. Wish to know more new friends ! :) Yesh ! My Uni life gonna start soon ! Ky, play hard and work hard ! You can do it :) haha.
The night before it, me and peers were excited for it. Because our loafer and aimless life could finally come to a very end. HEHE. And of course, thanks to everyone who had text / call me yesterday night. Thanks for the concerns :) All the best in your life too !
Everything was ok for the whole orientation programme actually. But then, when it almost came to an end, a man gave us a integrity talk. Err, seriously.. I really can't get what he mean. What I know is, he made the orientation programme sien == Met quite some old friends there. Wish to know more new friends ! :) Yesh ! My Uni life gonna start soon ! Ky, play hard and work hard ! You can do it :) haha.
Sunday, May 22, 2011
之前,看到这段歌词是,真的很能feel到它的无奈。是真的很...酸?悲? 也不知道怎么形容。可久而久之,发觉,有那么凄美吗? 既然相爱,为什么还要分开? 还相爱却分开的,我觉得,是双方都不争气,不珍惜,不坚持。
你懂得珍惜吗? 珍惜你的家人吗? 珍惜你的朋友吗? 珍惜他/她吗? :) 如果,你珍惜一样人,事,物,你就不会允许任何东西伤害他,或导致你失去他。不是吗? 我相信,如果我们都珍惜身边的一切,世界会是美好的。虽然是土了些,可是认真想想,不对吗?
之前,看到这段歌词是,真的很能feel到它的无奈。是真的很...酸?悲? 也不知道怎么形容。可久而久之,发觉,有那么凄美吗? 既然相爱,为什么还要分开? 还相爱却分开的,我觉得,是双方都不争气,不珍惜,不坚持。
你懂得珍惜吗? 珍惜你的家人吗? 珍惜你的朋友吗? 珍惜他/她吗? :) 如果,你珍惜一样人,事,物,你就不会允许任何东西伤害他,或导致你失去他。不是吗? 我相信,如果我们都珍惜身边的一切,世界会是美好的。虽然是土了些,可是认真想想,不对吗?
Saturday, May 21, 2011
Hari Anugerah Cemerlang 2011
Hari Anugerah Cemerlang @ SMK TAMAN EHSAN
Ya, I'm glad that I'm invited to this event at least once in my life. HEHEHE.
Friday, May 20, 2011
Jay Again ! :)

Know what?! Jay gonna have another concert in Malaysia on 30th July 2011. OMG ! But, this isn't his own concert like The Era World Tour. This is come with a few artists. Jay, Soda Green, Landy and Cyndi will be performing from what I had read from newspaper la~ Fuyohhh. Hati Gatahhh.. lol. The cheapest was RM148 but it's numbered seat. Should I? or? Emmm... loll. Lynn~~ saya mau worr...*puppy eye* LOL.
Thursday, May 19, 2011
Finally, I had coloured my hair. *clap*
Purple colour lehh... hehe. But la, the effect not like what I want lo..actually~ loll.
Need to have sunlight only got colour. So o, i keep go outside, under the sunlight, ask my family... got a? got colour or not? LOLLLL. I don't think that is purple lo, macam brown jeeee... :(
Hope after few days the colour will "come out" la~
Finally, I had coloured my hair. *clap*
Purple colour lehh... hehe. But la, the effect not like what I want lo..actually~ loll.
Need to have sunlight only got colour. So o, i keep go outside, under the sunlight, ask my family... got a? got colour or not? LOLLLL. I don't think that is purple lo, macam brown jeeee... :(
Hope after few days the colour will "come out" la~
Wednesday, May 18, 2011
就像朋友在Facebook Post 过的,“信任是一点一点小事情累积而成的。所以建立信任难,但是毁坏信任却可以是一瞬间的事情~” Emm,可是我想...毁坏这份『信任』并不是一瞬间的事。毕竟,到现在..我还是会相信他的所言。笨吧? 每一次的失望,令我对这份『信任』动摇了。事实就摆在眼前,这样,我还能坚持我这份信任吗? 我真的试过了,每一次失望时,都不停的在为残酷的『事实』狡辩,其实,自己非常清楚的知道...这『事实』就是真正的事实。只是希望,狡辩后,伤可以轻一些,痛可以少一点。
可能是我现实吧,我做每样事情,都会先想想..这样做是否值得。只要,是值得的,付出的代价是多少,我根本就不在乎。因为,结果才是重点。过程再煎熬,只要得到我要的结果,那过程也会是美好的。所谓:" 回首向来萧瑟处,归去,也无风雨也无晴" LOLL. *还要show off 下我华语程度*haha.
说来说去,我还是坚持着我的信念。为什么我就是那么的固执呢? 可能就像我的"老"朋友说的,我们都死性不改吧~ loll.
切记: 不要对号入座哦 ~ :)
就像朋友在Facebook Post 过的,“信任是一点一点小事情累积而成的。所以建立信任难,但是毁坏信任
可能是我现实吧,我做每样事情,都会先想想..这样做是否值得。只要,是值得的,付出的代价是多少,我根本就不在乎。因为,结果才是重点。过程再煎熬,只要得到我要的结果,那过程也会是美好的。所谓:" 回首向来萧瑟处,归去,也无风雨也无晴" LOLL. *还要show off 下我华语程度*haha.
说来说去,我还是坚持着我的信念。为什么我就是那么的固执呢? 可能就像我的"老"朋友说的,我们都死性不改吧~ loll.
切记: 不要对号入座哦 ~ :)
Sunday, May 15, 2011
Yesterday my sakais went for their first clubbing section together. I really wish to spend my first time with them too. It's so precious. But, somehow ... there're some "obstacle". And, the "obstacle" was ... well, since no one forced me to do so ... So, well, ya~ u know? LOL ! Hope u guys really enjoy it la :)
And, let's say goodbye to my dear Faye! She went to the jungle for 10 weeks. ya, hope u enjoy your life there, my dear :) gonna miss u very much ! and, hope things will go better after 10 weeks ! hehe.
Yesterday my sakais went for their first clubbing section together. I really wish to spend my first time with them too. It's so precious. But, somehow ... there're some "obstacle". And, the "obstacle" was ... well, since no one forced me to do so ... So, well, ya~ u know? LOL ! Hope u guys really enjoy it la :)
And, let's say goodbye to my dear Faye! She went to the jungle for 10 weeks. ya, hope u enjoy your life there, my dear :) gonna miss u very much ! and, hope things will go better after 10 weeks ! hehe.
Monday, May 9, 2011
好啦,知道了啦。我亲爱的朋友们。我黑眼圈很恐怖啦 T^T 的确,最近都有遇到蛮多很久没见的朋友。10个有9个都酱说...我真的很很很很伤心叻 >< 最无奈的是,有的后面还要加一句,"黑眼圈很难消的~" argghhh..我简直就是..bek cek !
对啦,这几天真的还蛮夜睡的。都出到蛮晚。*我知道这是自找的* lolll
怎么办怎麽办 ><
好啦,知道了啦。我亲爱的朋友们。我黑眼圈很恐怖啦 T^T 的确,最近都有遇到蛮多很久没见的朋友。10个有9个都酱说...我真的很很很很伤心叻 >< 最无奈的是,有的后面还要加一句,"黑眼圈很难消的~" argghhh..我简直就是..bek cek !
对啦,这几天真的还蛮夜睡的。都出到蛮晚。*我知道这是自找的* lolll
怎么办怎麽办 ><
Saturday, May 7, 2011
母亲节快乐 ♥
今天一早(12:00noon) 被妈妈吵醒。不停的听到他骂那个在网上剪头发的女生。好啦,在我半梦半醒的走去了客厅,妈就马上叫我看。其实,我早就看到了这video,只是,说真的...我没兴趣看。即使我再闷在无聊,click进去看的念头不曾出现过。我也不知道为什么,可能就觉得他们无聊吧。没资格浪费我的时间+精神。昨晚,跟朋友出去喝茶时,他们也说了一些给我听。好吧,反正妈都load了,我就看吧。说真的,的确,看了,心很酸,很痛。我也没看完,只看一半,就跑进房间,眼泪既然掉了。我不知道为什么。是为那被欺负的女孩而掉的吗? 还是,为那班无知的小孩而掉? 无可否认,对于那被欺负的女孩,我深感同情,也真的很心疼她。T.T 头发,对女生来说是命根吧? 头发短了,可以再长过,唯一需要的是时间与耐心。可是,这是否会令那女孩有什么心理问题呢? 唉,欺负人,有那么好玩吗? 有想过,后果吗? 爸妈辛苦赚钱让你们去求学,你们却搞出了那么大的丑闻。相信,爸妈的心一定很难过。面子是其次,真正伤心的,懊恼的,是要怎样把他们一路以来细心教导,抚养长大的孩子带回进"正途"。今天,是母亲节,这就是你们给母亲的礼物吗?感谢她的礼物吗? 这就是她付出的代价吗?! 每做一件事情前,拜托用你们的脑想下后果先吧。
Mummy !! Happy Mother's Day ♥ ILoveYou. xD
很多人都说很久没跟妈妈说“我爱你” 了。可是,我似乎每晚都有说。“谢谢你”的话呢..偶尔有说啦。就当看到妈妈做到很累了的时候,就跟他说咯。哈哈哈。虽然我每次说谢谢你时哦,妈妈都会很骂我:"谢什么啦,去对着你的电脑啦,不用帮手的" 哈哈哈。因为,我总是在妈很累的时候说嘛,她可能就bek cek了一点咯。hehehe.反而,“对不起” 我却真的好像没有说过。为什么的? 我也不知道。虽然说长大了,很久没发爸妈脾气了。尤其是妈妈。就算有时因为他们不能理解我的看法,说了些过分的话,马上的,我就会很内疚,不停的自责。可是还是希望我能慢慢学会控制自己,不再伤害他们啦:) 咪,sorry a.. hahaha.知道你不可能会看到 :P
咪~~ 呵呵。再给我一点点的时间吧,我会努力的! 爱你 ♥ 记得我说的话哦!
Hope that next year's mother's day present will be a better one.and of course, hope u will like this year one la~ hehehe . I will work hard for it ! I love you, mummy ! forever and ever, from the core of my heart ♥ muacksssss !
今天一早(12:00noon) 被妈妈吵醒。不停的听到他骂那个在网上剪头发的女生。好啦,在我半梦半醒的走去了客厅,妈就马上叫我看。其实,我早就看到了这video,只是,说真的...我没兴趣看。即使我再闷在无聊,click进去看的念头不曾出现过。我也不知道为什么,可能就觉得他们无聊吧。没资格浪费我的时间+精神。昨晚,跟朋友出去喝茶时,他们也说了一些给我听。好吧,反正妈都load了,我就看吧。说真的,的确,看了,心很酸,很痛。我也没看完,只看一半,就跑进房间,眼泪既然掉了。我不知道为什么。是为那被欺负的女孩而掉的吗? 还是,为那班无知的小孩而掉? 无可否认,对于那被欺负的女孩,我深感同情,也真的很心疼她。T.T 头发,对女生来说是命根吧? 头发短了,可以再长过,唯一需要的是时间与耐心。可是,这是否会令那女孩有什么心理问题呢? 唉,欺负人,有那么好玩吗? 有想过,后果吗? 爸妈辛苦赚钱让你们去求学,你们却搞出了那么大的丑闻。相信,爸妈的心一定很难过。面子是其次,真正伤心的,懊恼的,是要怎样把他们一路以来细心教导,抚养长大的孩子带回进"正途"。今天,是母亲节,这就是你们给母亲的礼物吗?感谢她的礼物吗? 这就是她付出的代价吗?! 每做一件事情前,拜托用你们的脑想下后果先吧。
Mummy !! Happy Mother's Day ♥ ILoveYou. xD
很多人都说很久没跟妈妈说“我爱你” 了。可是,我似乎每晚都有说。“谢谢你”的话呢..偶尔有说啦。就当看到妈妈做到很累了的时候,就跟他说咯。哈哈哈。虽然我每次说谢谢你时哦,妈妈都会很骂我:"谢什么啦,去对着你的电脑啦,不用帮手的" 哈哈哈。因为,我总是在妈很累的时候说嘛,她可能就bek cek了一点咯。hehehe.反而,“对不起” 我却真的好像没有说过。为什么的? 我也不知道。虽然说长大了,很久没发爸妈脾气了。尤其是妈妈。就算有时因为他们不能理解我的看法,说了些过分的话,马上的,我就会很内疚,不停的自责。可是还是希望我能慢慢学会控制自己,不再伤害他们啦:) 咪,sorry a.. hahaha.知道你不可能会看到 :P
咪~~ 呵呵。再给我一点点的时间吧,我会努力的! 爱你 ♥ 记得我说的话哦!
Hope that next year's mother's day present will be a better one.and of course, hope u will like this year one la~ hehehe . I will work hard for it ! I love you, mummy ! forever and ever, from the core of my heart ♥ muacksssss !
Thursday, May 5, 2011
承诺的定义是什么? 难道就是在话前/后加上一句,“我答应你”吗? 只是没做到“答应”了的事才叫做不守诺言吗? 说到,就要做到。就算做不到,至少在之前跟对方说声好吗? 之前不说,之后也说声吧... 如果,是完全当没有一件事的... 好吧,你就是不负责任。
please la ! say what u mean , and mean what u say !!
承诺的定义是什么? 难道就是在话前/后加上一句,“我答应你”吗? 只是没做到“答应”了的事才叫做不守诺言吗? 说到,就要做到。就算做不到,至少在之前跟对方说声好吗? 之前不说,之后也说声吧... 如果,是完全当没有一件事的... 好吧,你就是不负责任。
please la ! say what u mean , and mean what u say !!
Wednesday, May 4, 2011
Tuesday, May 3, 2011
你们要求什么,我都答应。因为我不会say no.
你们说那次只是纯粹的因为我好运,我沉默。你们说我默认,我也算了。 我不需要你们的肯定。真的不需要。
可是,我再笨..你们也不能这样 ! T.T
你们要求什么,我都答应。因为我不会say no.
你们说那次只是纯粹的因为我好运,我沉默。你们说我默认,我也算了。 我不需要你们的肯定。真的不需要。
可是,我再笨..你们也不能这样 ! T.T
Sunday, May 1, 2011
Journey II

Girl, be strong. and same thing la, hope u can get a GOOD NEW job soon. Don't ever limit urself. You can do it !
The closest friend of mine in snj mv. LOL. If to write down memorable stuff of us, it's endless. Might be the age of us was close and somehow our thinking is similar. anyway, I'll never ever forget the way she carry and throw me out of the shop. loll. sifeipo, I'll lose my weight in this week time !! hehe ^^v
HAHAHA. Pandiii ... lolll. oooi, betui betui punye babi~ loll. The very first person that always tell me very PROUDLY that she's a real pig (betui betui punye babi). hahaha. and, the most disgusting love story that I ever heard before was told by her too. haha.
Darling~ thanks for the bracelet that you had presented to me. and, gambatte for May's target.
Ky and PeiLing (Biii)
Biiii, hahaha. EMO. see her face, I could just relate to E.M.O. The youngest between us. The most-easy-jealous person. not only in sale, but also in social. haha. her face will turn immediately when she saw pei / darling holding my hand or talk secretly with me. haha.
Biii, zui ai shi ni le la. bu yao zai chi chu le. haha. hai you a, xie xie ni de Stitch de pencil case a~ ni yao gai diao de dong xi, yi ding neng gai diao de ! gambatte !
Darling~ thanks for the bracelet that you had presented to me. and, gambatte for May's target.

Biiii, hahaha. EMO. see her face, I could just relate to E.M.O. The youngest between us. The most-easy-jealous person. not only in sale, but also in social. haha. her face will turn immediately when she saw pei / darling holding my hand or talk secretly with me. haha.
Biii, zui ai shi ni le la. bu yao zai chi chu le. haha. hai you a, xie xie ni de Stitch de pencil case a~ ni yao gai diao de dong xi, yi ding neng gai diao de ! gambatte !
SQ and Ky :)
Girls, thanks for being a part of my journey :) You'll really taught me a lot ! Especially in training my EQ and temper. haha.
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