went to shopping with lynn,yeng aestnd y.mun =)
happy neh ~
bought a bracelet. i wanna buy for such a long time d de..
but now.. buy jor a bit regret la..
cause the necklace nicer and yeng bought it ==
bought 2 shirt =)
went to ladies world.
the jean short pant really nice.
i love it.
but no my size ==
then outside of the shop pasted a notice like this :
- 五官端正
- 有工作经验
when i saw the notice got vacancy,
damn happy.
willing to re-enter and ask for job.
then hear lynn say..五官端正。
immediately YOOORRRR !!
and the idea of re-enter the shop burst.
well ~
做人就是要有自知之明 =)
KY . yan