peopleee, here i am. :)
okay, cut my story short. story about yesterday 4 Mulians' moon cake festival celebration 1st :D well, everything goes like what we plan, just Jeff n Yz put our aeroplane. will kill them on Wednesday. haha. okay, we went to the basketball court near Pro.Hing's house as the Tangki's field was damn dark. okay, since when we reach the basketball near Pro. Hing's house there were 2 gangs ppl there. -> 1 gang playing basketball, another children play candles. so we play in another corner. about 10 something the 2 gangs gone. left us. okay..damn happy. play play play. used many times to complete the 4 MULIA word with candles. snap photos and play 'pop'. keep screaming here n there. okay, reach climax was damn high then suddenly we saw a white colour car stop right beside the basketball court, was thinking is it Chee weng's car or whoever car? then a uncle came down.. walk over and said..:"hey, what are u all doing here?who allow u all to play candle here? if u all play here then we will fall when we play basketball..bla bla bla.." everyone of us, stunt for 30seconds. then we keep and clean up. well, everything was over..then when we walk until the other end of the court, the uncle scold again. then our Pro.Kuan scold him back like this :" uncle, you see here la. those kids play one a..u call the police la." then the uncle said.:" what u say? !@#$%^&." then Pro.Kuan scold him back:"!@#$%^" all of us stunt again -.- then when we turn back, saw the over, turn our head back, Pro.uncle was runingKuan running too.HAHAHAHA. the uncle chase Kuan with bare leg -.- i really don't know how to describe the scene -.- just like chasing a thief -.- all of us don't know what to do. run or follow Kuan? after some times, the uncle came back and scold us..like this :" u all, don't run a. i will call the police. write down u all's ic number and name and also address." all of us stunt again -.- then he called the security guard. the guard run over and ask us what happened. then we tell him that we were just playing candles and the uncle say wanna call police. and the guard was stunt too -.- then we follow the guard to the guard house. and Hing call his parents. okay..after we tells the whole story to Hing's mum, then Hing's mum talk to the uncle. after around 10 mins, we apologize to the uncle and promise him to clean the candles and even those that the children played. we used almost 30mins to clean the candles. and the Kuan just enjoying his tea at Chandran -.- and keep calling over and 'blow' us faster -.- what the dut.... but anyway, both of the uncle n Kuan also got wrong la. it's good too, a wonderful n memorable moon cake festival -.- after having tea at Chandran, we went back to Hing's house for games. here are the photos. :D
the boys.