
人生就是要有酸甜苦辣才是人生。 這是我的空間,唯我獨有。 我不會說好話讓人開懷,這裡我只做我自己,說我要說的,只說我專用的ky語言,聽不慣不愛聽隨你便,請勿對號入座。因為這是我的世界,我的生活!

Friday, October 23, 2009


hi, blogger.

sorry for abandoning u for such a long time. i really have no time for blog as i need to work and do revision for my final year examination. well, i have sat for the BM,Moral and Modern Math paper. all of it was just okay. the climax is coming soon by next week. History, BI, physic, etc. that's why i took 1 day lift for revision and also for myself to cool down and think properly.

Ky. yan