report card day.
I don't feel like going to get it. scare? ya, definitely. Isn't because of worrying what teacher talk about me but my result. Didn't sit for lots of subjects, get
no marks for the subjectsssss. and definitely Im the
last in my class. I know, it doesn't because Im really bad in the result but is because of Im sick that time. but, i really can't accept it actually. my report card became so ugly because of this f*ck off dengue. Last. u know? once i reach home after class, my tears drop. i can't act like nothing anymore. I don't know why i care about it so much, the matter is, I don't want to be the last. T.T
everyone is telling me that, is
because u're sick that time ma..bla bla bla. I know, but..i need some times,maybe.