
人生就是要有酸甜苦辣才是人生。 這是我的空間,唯我獨有。 我不會說好話讓人開懷,這裡我只做我自己,說我要說的,只說我專用的ky語言,聽不慣不愛聽隨你便,請勿對號入座。因為這是我的世界,我的生活!

Monday, November 21, 2011

我的天空今天有點灰 :)

我真的很討厭這樣! 我真的很不喜歡。現在是怎樣? 有什麼那麼不喜歡? 為什麼要這樣? 這樣的你跟他有什麼分別? 喜歡的時候就一個樣,不喜歡的時候又另一個樣。


Sunday, November 20, 2011

那些年,我們一起度過的日子 。




聖誕節要到了,到shopping mall都是聖誕節的裝飾。
既然已在一起,分開了,現在還做回朋友。真的是速戰速決。今年的聖誕又會是怎樣的呢? 可惜,聖誕的隔天就是我的final ><

這套戲,我想到了2個人最多。第一個是他,我不覺得好奇,因為他本來就在我的成長過程中佔據了一個蠻重要的角色。可是第二個他,我真的覺得很奇怪,怎麼會是他? 是不是最近發生了一些事情所以我會想到他還是?不知道,只是看到了某些畫面,想起了,這件事情,曾經也發生過在我跟他之間。

對,會讀書又怎樣? 那隻不過是一張踏上成功之路的車票,而不是終點。
曾經的我最討厭的就是只會讀書什麼都不會的人。而現在我發覺,我越來越像這樣的人了。我不要! 我不是書蟲!!!

看到後面,沈佳宜結婚的時候,突然想到,其實很多東西都是看我們自己怎麼去想。難道沈佳宜年輕的時後沒有想過他那時會一輩子都愛柯腾 嗎?他一定沒想過會有那個局面,所以,其實我們都不能把一些事情看得太過於執著,回憶中是最美好的。所以,美好的東西都會是回憶,過去的就讓它成為我們人生中最完美的回憶吧。

Saturday, November 19, 2011




我這樣的決定是否很自私? 還是之前是我異想天開?



Thursday, November 17, 2011



到底這條路是對還是錯? 真的越走越暗,很怕。真的很恐怖。
不敢跟家人說,不想他們擔心。還能跟誰說? 救命啊!!!!
怎麼好像不是我所想的那樣? 怎麼好像越走越遠,跟我想像和期待的路程真的差太多太多了。有點超乎我的想像。點算好?我真的不知道!!! 

Wednesday, November 16, 2011





真的很累。看到你這樣偽裝自己我也替你感覺到很累。真的。不要偽裝自己去得到別人的青睞,好嗎?朋友。 你這樣真的很假,怎麼能變到那麼快呢?在我的面前跟他們的面前怎麼能有那麼大的轉變? 我真的覺得你很恐怖。怎麼那麼小的事情,你也會想到為了不要他們誤會而去說謊呢? 這是那麼小的一件事情,你也想到要這樣隱瞞,我真的嚇到了。不要這樣好嗎? 這樣,我跟你做朋友做到很累。真的....

Sunday, November 13, 2011


this period, I was sick and having tests. and I didn't do well for my maths paper although I've spent whole night for it! This time was definitely my problem! because, my friends know how to solve it but I have no idea for that solution AT ALL! Sick is not a excuse for having bad result !

Wednesday will be another test again. and this really make me feel like breathless!! Please, what for forcing the students so? This is really tiring and suffer!

Not sure what happened to me, I just feel very bad recently. Maybe it's because sick + test + some issue, I am really in a very bad mood. Im really stressed. Not the stress by academic but the stress of life.

it seems like, Im not good in everything.*failure*

Monday, November 7, 2011

Sweet 18 :)

3rd November 2011 !

KY's big big day. haha.
Thanks for all the surprises and celebrations. Everyone of you were awesome! Thank you very much!
I still have no time to snap my presents and upload here.
First of all, really thank you and appreciate my parents for the undivided love and cares to me for 18years. Their sacrifices and love were the most greatest and gorgeous present I would never ever have! Thanks, Daddy Mummy! Love you all, :-*

Honestly, I never think of my 18th brithday will have any celebration because the week of my birthday was a busy week for us. We have presentation and tests. And some other friend was having their final exam, my family was busy preparing for bro's wed too. So, I dah agak no celebration.

Really thanks my dear, Issac Liu a lot a lot! HAHA. Thanks for squeezing your precious time of revision just to celebrate my birthday with me. Sometime, you just make me feel what a true friend are. ~.~ Thank you! Love youuu <3 HAHAA.

JKFC ! These few sakai(s).
hahaa, although the surprise was a little bit ruin by me but it's still great! Thanks for everything you all done for me! I really miss the time we spent together from Form1 to 5. The laughter, the tears, the anger, the bakchi-ness,etc. Btw, I hope we could achieve our dreams together. This is the true word from the core of my heart. Maybe the path we choose was different, maybe we have different point of view, but I hope that we could reach the terminal that we wanted. When you all were tired, look back, Im always there for you all. :)

Tutorial G10!
LOL. Ini lagi shock >< I really really didn't think of having a celebration with u guys since all of us was busy preparing for presentation and test. Btw, really thanks to everyone who have wished and celebrated with me. Especially, TingFang, Loong, KokWeng! I don't know whether is it true, but this is just what I heard from them. Few of you walk in the rain just to buy me present? LOL. Thanks la weih, for the flower and handphone and all the presents! Thanks a lot a lot a lot!

This year wishes was really different from other years. and I will make sure that next year I will not get the same wishes too! HAHA. Most of the wishes from my friends was, wishing me could back to my original size >< Im not feeling sad or down for it, it's good to have such a wishes from you all because I never receive any wishes like this before. And this is a memory in my journey and also a motivation for me to diet and exercise! Hehe.

Ya, Ky was officially 18 now. There are no excuses or reason for you to do any unwanted mistake. Please be responsible to your life and future. You're big enough to differentiate what is wrong and what is right. Don't act like a immature kid anymore, KY! Gambatteeee <3


