
人生就是要有酸甜苦辣才是人生。 這是我的空間,唯我獨有。 我不會說好話讓人開懷,這裡我只做我自己,說我要說的,只說我專用的ky語言,聽不慣不愛聽隨你便,請勿對號入座。因為這是我的世界,我的生活!

Thursday, March 11, 2010

emo day.

yay, test finished. *emo*

okay, im really emo today. today is the "last" day of our March test, and Chemistry paper also fall on today. so, okay..i really do revision on it as i know my level downgraded. but but but but but !!! still can't i answer those questions. even the formula of sodium thiosulphate! u know how i feel?! just feel like banging my head to the wall!!! damn. and even the graph, i drawn wrongly. i dunno what the hell happened to me as if im new to chemistry. when im drawing the graph, i really do joined the points until the origin but i erased it -.- omg, what is this?! damn! i know, things past is past but i really disappointed to myself. and i know, my result for this test must be very very bad! okay, like what dad said, it's just a test. i know, and this is what bare in my mind whenever im burning the midnight oil, but i just can't accept that i can't write the sodium thipsulphate formula out! omg!

really emo,
Ky. yan