yea, Im here to update my 17th Bday celebration's memories :)
once again a~ thanks my dad and mum, family and friends !! Love you guys ♥
seriously, this year was the most wonderful birthday I ever had for 17years. LOL. it's the first time and of course I hope that it's not the last time la! HAHA
31 oct 2010, celebrated with my family. always the sweetest and most wonderful ♥
2nd Nov 2010, what a surprise ! HAHA. actually, Im really sense-less. so many tips, yet I don't know. HAHA. Mummy is really suck in lying. lol. another cake I had for 17th Bday. HAHA. celebrated with my chemistry's classmate, family and lynn. hehe. Thanks !
3rd Nov 2010, the special one ! celebrated with those monkeys at Green Apple. dudes, I think, I really understand what's u all thinking and wanna do. haha. too close d ba? HAHA. sakais~ Each and every time we gather together. It just give me a special feeling. undescribable feeling. but I love it very much ♥♥♥ Thanks for the presents,wristband, little cucu and the cake :) !
*why can't upload pictures?* next time ba :(